Some Kind of Munster

There's an old-people restaurant named after a different Russell Williams near my house and my first thought when that story broke was "This isn't going to be good for business", but strangely enough old people keep voting it the best restaurant in town in the local newspaper's annual poll.

"Which booking is this? Are you the perverts who want to go to town on each other while I make a pie?"

I was a teenager in the '90s and I hated it too, but then someone forced me to watch it again a few years later and I found it pretty funny, then it kept getting funnier on subsequent rewatches, peaking at about 17 and now I find it only fitfully funny, although there are a few gags that still make me giggle ("Harry!

It would behoove us all to rein in these foalish pun threads

Listen, my beard's been trying to lose weight and is kind of sensitive about it.

Eenie-oonie-wanah! Eenie-oonie-wanah!

Y'know what, @avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus? I like you. You're not like the other people here
in the AV Club. Oh no, don't get me wrong, they're fine people, good
Americans. But they're content to sit back, maybe watch a little Community on Channel 57. Maybe kick back a cool PBR. They're good fine

Mmmmm… baby broccoli… *drools*

I've never seen an episode of True Crime Canada so I don't know how exploitative it is generally, but that is a fascinating case that has already been covered very well by CBC's Fifth Estate.

It's the Wonder Years reunion we've all been waiting for!

You can't print that!

You shut your damn whore mouth about the '90s!

I remember coming away from this movie feeling like I needed a shower, but that was probably close to 20 years ago and I'm probably due for another shower anyway.

CTRL-F'd "Tremors" right away because I couldn't believe it hadn't been mentioned yet.

I've always been partial to the Poison Idea's "Just to Get Away"

(Suck my balls)

I can't hate this song too much because I had a friend in college who used to do a "Lemmy Kravitz" impression that involved singing Lenny Kravitz songs in a Lemmy Kilmister voice and the shitty band I played in went so far as to learn to play this song so he could sing it with us in his Lemmy voice…. so, uh… good

I'm bailing on this thread before we get in too deep.

Or a cartoon about morons watching MTV.

I was aware of the Replacements and even recall seeing their videos a
few times on Much (I think they even did a "Spotlight" episode on them)
but for some reason they never clicked for me until I gave them another
shot about five years ago and they instantly became one of my favourite
bands. And yes, I wish I'd had