Some Kind of Munster

Honestly, a big part of the reason my wife and I got married was because "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" sounded kind of silly after the age of 30 and we got sick of saying "partner" and "common-law spouse".

I don't know who that is, but I can sing the Muppet Babies theme song in a perfect Baby Kermit voice (strangely, I can't do Kermit's voice for anything other than that one verse).

I have that too…. a few years ago I was checking out a cat "hotel" to board our cats while we went on vacation and there was this weird, stunted little cat who'd apparently been abandoned there by her previous owners. While the woman who owned the place was telling me all about how antisocial this thing was and how

Oh wow, City of God. I remember that movie knocking me on my ass when I saw it years ago… definitely overdue for another viewing.

I'll be whatever I wanna do!

I used to have a Moosehead T-shirt that I got for free when I complained to Moosehead about getting two empty bottles in concurrent cases of beer (they also sent me a voucher for a free 2-4) but I think that's the only beer apparel I've ever owned.

Bob Marley's "Mr. Brown" (Mr. Brown is a clown who rides in a coffin!)

Hidden Talents Thread

Haven't done shrooms in years but man, I always had fun with them when I was younger.

Screeching Weasel – Zombie (I love the gleeful way Weasel sings "gonna rip your eyes out from their ho-o-o-oles!" in this song)
Clutch – Eulogy For a Ghost
Grant Hart – For Those Too High Aspiring
Rolling Stones – Tumbling Dice
Meat Puppets – The Whistling Song (this might be my favourite Meat Puppets song and definitely

@Scrawler2:disqus I'm pretty sure I've been on both sides of that equation at various times in my life so I don't know if I have any authority on the matter.

Oh man, now i want to see a show about a confused time travelling Jack the Ripper  finding himself in London, Ontario wondering why the prostitutes are so ugly and the Thames River is only six feet wide (and everyone pronounces it "tames").

I never saw Goon, but I remember liking Mr Sunshine and thinking it had a lot of promise. Most of that had to do with Allison Janney but Perry was pretty good in it too (and Andrea Anders! Somebody get her on a show that isn't cancelled within its first season.)

Y'know, somebody wrote an article about exactly this:


Also known as "Sally Struthers".

Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum!

I'm old too – I laughed at that.

Fuck yeah! Suck it, cancer!

Ha! I hadn't gone for a run yet this week but I dragged my ass out of bed at 5:30 this morning to do it because I knew it was TI day.