Some Kind of Munster

I know it's kind of square, but man, I love all that Group of Seven stuff (yeah, Thomson wasn't officially a member, blah blah blah). There's something totally bad-ass about a bunch of dudes going off into the Canadian wilderness with some paints and canvasses and knocking out all these quick landscape studies on the

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus It's French. It means "Kermit of Frog".

This is where I admit my ignorance – I only knew it as a Camper Van Beethoven song and had no idea it was a cover until this morning.

There's also the Descendents' "Statue of Liberty" but it's a pretty shitty song.

Yeah, I was actually going to mention that the Headstones were too good to be lumped in with those others – and I like Dillon quite a bit as an actor. I wasn't a big fan of Flashpoint but he was really good in Durham County and before that in Bruce MacDonald's films.

Did you hear that story about that lady who drove her car into the lake with her kids and they all drowned?

They should have been right up my alley when they first appeared in the late '90s and I'm sure I saw them play a few times but they never did anything for me, either.

Oof. You're dredging up some unpleasant memories there. At least you didn't remind me that Econoline Crush existed.

You leave us stamp collectors out of this!

Awesome news, dude!

It wasn't him


Not now James, we're busy.

Trick question! Lemmy IS God!

I think Santana was the only guy to not get the memo.

To be honest, I think I like her solo version better than the Stones' version now (although that's likely in large part because it doesn't get played to death on classic rock radio). It's a really great arrangement though and putting her voice front and center is never a bad idea.

@avclub-a8b7dcb4c84372a803ad65fb1fa84462:disqus Man, fuck that song. I had to delete it from my iPod after it made me cry like a baby on my way to work one time.

How about those of us who bought a used Wacom tablet, tried it a couple of times, went "ehhhh" and sold it again on Craigslist three years later?

We just say "Cover Designer".

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus I believe she was the mountee in those fantasies.