Some Kind of Munster

@avclub-4e8df77c802db1476f245778d67534eb:disqus Yeah, I'm holding out hope for something like that but it seems pretty unlikely – if that's the plan why dick around like this and piss off the ticket holders, y'know? A surprise showing would be nice, but it's not doing any favours to the festival organizers to play coy


I'm still on the fence about going… I like Gordon Lightfoot – not enough to pay $100 to see him, but still – and Emmylou Harris and Daniel Lanois are playing (again, I like both, but would never have bought tickets simply for them).

Super-pissed about missing this show – especially since the main reason I didn't get tickets was that I blew my concert budget on Neil Young next week, which he's cancelled (and been replaced with Gordon Lightfoot!) with no refunds.

We wanna be free
We wanna be free to do what we wanna do
And we wanna get loaded
And we wanna have a good time
That's what we're gonna do

Aw man, I love that album AND the cover (it's by Derek Hess!)

Doesn't necessarily mean she has a lot of friends – she keeps showing up with a new crowd of people because no one wants her around for too long.

I'm a slightly under-evolved ape-man with super-long monkey arms, so rolling up is the only way to make sleeves look normal on me.

Yep, I'm just glad it's not my money paying for it.

I get references!

I've said it before but any song featuring the words "you", "me" or "heart" can be greatly improved by swapping in "poo", "pee" or "heart" respectively.

Until my final few years of high school (when my male friends and I would walk around holding hands and stuff to freak out the normies, man) any physical contact between two guys was GAY and to be avoided at all costs. Even high fives were suspect.

Not my first kiss, but in a college photography class (on Valentine's Day) a girl I'd never met before followed me into one of the film processing closets, kissed me and said "no one should be alone in a dark room on Valentine's Day" and the only response I could muster was "uh, thanks." Then I went back to processing


Die, Die, Die My Darling

Oh fuck yes. And then three weeks after I throw their paper in recycling because I don't need it anymore they want it back so they can review their notes.

Neither had I since I haven't actually read this thing in years.

The Muppets – Muppet Show Theme
Whiskeytown – Drank Like a River
Gorillaz – Feel Good, Inc.
Motörhead – Motörhead
The Cramps – Don't Eat Off the Sidewalk (great song, even better advice)

Agreed – damn near perfect record!

Back when we lived at home my older sister was making some kind of meal that for some reason had involved leaving a plate of something or other in the oven to keep warm.