Some Kind of Munster

I usually just go with a stream of random, unconnected profanity until the pain stops or I run out of swear words.


I saw it too – I would have been 7 in '83 so much like @avclub-12a6616c1184cd586f978a09bde635c9:disqus  it was my favourite show. I remember not really understanding exactly what happened to Dudley but knew it was bad and that grown-ups who wanted to drink wine and look at naked pictures with kids were not cool.

There you go again @avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus…. always looking out for # 1

Yeah that definitely stood out to me too – even the toddler diapers would be pretty damn difficult for a 14 year old to "wear"…. so either @avclub-f979394c282f4c89bbd91e8ef5589479:disqus is correct and he's just peeing in/on them (hey, why not try a nice, washable rag if that's all you wanna do?) or it's bullshit.

You take that back! Canadian Thanksgiving is awesome! It's early enough that sometimes the weather's still super-nice and you can go to the beach but then there's usually a hockey game on the CBC on Saturday night.

Well then consider yourself hated!

Aw, I can't hate someone who knows when Canada Day is!

Heh heh… I think I knew you were Texan but didn't mean that as a direct slam!

And what was that on D Boon's Ghost's head?

Actually…. there's an awesome Mexican place in Mississauga (suburban wasteland just west of Toronto) that's run by a little old Mexican lady and her children. Her husband was Polish so she has "Mexican Pierogies" on the menu which are just as delicious as that sounds.

But once he was the king of Spain!

Can't really argue with any of this, as Superchunk are one of those bands where there's no real wrong place to start – super-consistent (some would say to a fault) so there's not a lot of variance in quality.

… and then there's Mohd

I like watching Blue Bloods (or as I call it "What The Old People Are Afraid Of This Week") and every time Magnum lays the verbal smackdown on his kids or subordinates I go "Boom! You got Magnumed!".

Platinum Blonde's Standing in the Dark was also released that year, which would be a pretty solid new wave album if not for the godawful nasal whining of Mark Holmes.

"I had some radical fish tacos in Toronto. I think it has to do with coastal regions really, the fresh fish thing."

Yeah, it's one of those things where once I start eating it I gotta finish it fast so there's no time to talk.

I once ate some sort of Moroccan dish that had a bunch of raisins in it before going out drinking. When I inevitably puked at the end of the night the raisins had turned back into grapes (I was so amazed by this that I woke up my girlfriend to show her what I'd done. She was not as impressed as I).

After the first few listens I'm not finding it as immediately satisfying as Majesty Shredding (although with that one I was just thrilled to have Superchunk back and teeming with energy) but I'm really loving it nonetheless. One thing I'm noticing is that they really seemed to have stepped up the production values