Some Kind of Munster

Yeah, I still love their earlier albums more since they soundtracked a lot of the most important moments in my teens and early 20s but these two new ones are both fantastic and would probably be the best way to introduce newcomers to the band.
(although I feel the same about Dino Jr – I've given Beyond to a lot of

The opening riff kind of makes me think of Rick Springfield.

Doot doot doot doot do do do do

Subterranean Jungle also has "Outsider" which is a fucking rad song.

Love the '92 version of that song… had no idea it was a reworking of an earlier song.

Well said, GH.

But you said…

That's racist!

That just raises further questions!

Superchunk are very probably my favourite band of all time, so yeah, this was an awesome way to start my week.

Well, look at Mr Fancypants with the grey plastic sword. I had a broken hockey stick shoved down the back of my shirt (it was a Sherwood!)

Yeah, I remember being really hating that album when it was released, then it slowly growing on me and considering it "good, but not really Superchunk".
Now I don't find it out of place in their discography at all and can't understand why I was such a putz about it in 1999.

I started with the Tossing Seeds comp which contains a good chunk of No Pocky, so when I finally got that album I was kind of let down because I already knew half the songs. Still an awesome album though – it's probably their "best" although I like Foolish better.

So glad "On The Mouth" was mentioned…. that was the first Superchunk song I ever heard and it's still one of my favourites. Such a sweetly creepy song.

I heard the Superchunk version of all three of those songs before hearing the originals, so yeah, the originals have never sounded right to me.

I'm 8 minutes away from the start of the weekend! I'll see you chumps on the flipside!

A couple of Asian friends used to get together to play Rock Band all the time and their band was called "Red Zepperin".

@Scrawler2:disqus I initially read that as James Carville which would only make sense if he lost the fight with the fire.

@avclub-9b60cf1b2106f886f17cba2b1a0359b9:disqus Here's your little glimpse of sadness for the day – I work for an appliance company and I've heard grown men unironically describe an appliance as "sexy".

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Ha! I used to know a Korean girl who was like that too. I used to be terrified any time I was with her and another Asian person showed up.