Some Kind of Munster

Hi everybody…. I'm back for my second round read-through!

I have an acquaintance who has a Spongebob tattoo on his inner arm… but Spongebob is upside down and kind of giving the guns/thumbs up gesture so when he lifts his arm up it's like Spongebob is giving him the thumbs up. (Admittedly it's kind of hilarious but that's a long way to go for a sight gag)

Eh, I'm 37 and the show started when I was in college so someone 6 years older than me as a college student sounds about right by Hollywood standards.

Oh, and this was the same friend with whom I once drove past a church with a bunch of people congregated outside and he went "Hey! It's a wedding!" and leaned over and honked my horn a bunch of times.

I got you all beat. When I was in 12th grade a girl a few years younger than me was killed by a drunk driver (she was waiting for a bus and this drunk asshole mowed her down). I didn't know her at all but I kinda knew her older brother – we weren't really friends but I think we'd had a class or two together.

I started wearing thrift store suits to school in my final year (and yes, the uglier the better) but I was, uh…. in a ska band (in my defense, this was 1994/95 so I was a couple of years ahead of the curve).

The only reason I ever actually wanted to get up and go to school was because that's where the girls were. I can't imagine I would have made it to class more than a few times a semester at an all-boys' school.

Oh fuck, is that "You sank my battleship" song on that one? Because one of my coworkers brought that album to work a few months ago and we all laughed our asses off at that song but I've had it pop into my head a few times a week ever since (and I can't be bothered to find out where he left the CD)

In college I used to hang out with this drop dead gorgeous and cooler-than-cool chick and one day she handed me a tape (yeah, a tape. I'm old) and said "This is your favourite band now".

Liked for Zeke.
Those dudes were fucking badass!

Oh wow, haven't thought about them in years. Don't think I ever really listened to them but I seem to recall thinking the singer was pretty foxy.

Not sure if this will help, but I've started wearing surgical gloves when I make burgers – I do it so my hands don't smell like raw hamburgers all day – but it may help with the texture too?

I'm more concerned about them fucking in the backseat or eating spaghetti.

Ha ha! You're Canadian!

Hüsker Dü – Could You Be The One?
Concrete Blonde – Still in Hollywood
fIREHOSE – Understanding
Burning Brides – Glass Slipper
Ladytron – Seventeen

You've got one convert already – I really dig Bloodnstuff!


It's Jan in the Pan!

You're all mixed up like pasta primavera
Yo, why'd you throw that chair at Geraldo Rivera?

Yes it is…. I know I've seen it but I really don't remember much about it or anything particularly beyond the pale.