Some Kind of Munster

As the resident Degrassi obsessive, how about any episode of that show?
– One of the twins opting for an abortion
– Joey's bully has AIDS
– Caitlyn's douchebag ex Claude commits suicide
– The series-ending TV movie, which featured the first utterance of "fuck" on Canadian prime time broadcast TV

Some good ideas there… there's also an early "Married… with Children" episode that was initially pulled for being too racy – "I'll See You in Court".

My Manwich!!!

Love that episode…

Yes, but let's not forget that he puts the hat on is butt. Heh heh… on his butt!

But really, what are any of us doing that's so much more important than watching a few more Futurama episodes?

That reminds me…. I read an interesting interview with Weasel years ago where he talked about how the "girlfriends" in his songs were often based on guys he was having conflicts with (i.e. band members, housemates, whoever) rather than actual women but because songs about chicks were the tradition he would switch up

I will never not like this gag.

@pafko:disqus "Hangin' Around" is great, and another example of a song that packs a wallop once you get a bit older

Thanks for the tip… didn't know about the Livids but I'll be checking them out as soon as I get a chance.

I thought everybody liked that show!

Ha! I think we might have already had this discussion before because I seem to recall that theory being floated here.

The Meg White thing is an interesting comparison – a bassist friend of mine used to get really angry about Barlow's technique (I believe he uses a pick and essentially "strums" his bass which was enough to send this guy into fits of rage) but it somehow just works perfectly.

I don't know. I used to work with a woman who was distressingly enthusiastic in her love of Rik Emmet so I'll have to ask her.

Oh man, the day I brought home that Molly Hatchet record from the used record store and put it on the turntable expecting something appropriately badass to go with the Frazetta cover and was greeted with Southern Rock noodling was one of the most disappointing days of my high school crate digging. (Almost as

@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus Just wondering where you're getting this not playing benefits thing from – the only time I saw them play was at a benefit – the 2003 SARStock concert in Toronto  – and a quick trip to Wikipedia shows that they recently played in Red Deer at a benefit for flooding victims:

I remember that – i mentioned an incident above where a punk friend was hassled for his shoes not being Chucks or Docs (the only approved punk rock footwear, apparently) and while this happened before Weasel's presumably tongue-in-cheek article I think it was definitely a common attitude.

I'd revise that to "metalheads can be some of the most conformist people ever" (although typing that sentiment in the comments of an article about punk rock is pretty rich) but metal is one of the most varied and diverse genres of music I can think of.

@KyleRyan:disqus I was going to mention that move too… I saw him take the super-thick glasses off some kid one time and wear them, with the clearly vision-impaired kid squinting and bumping into shit (with a huge grin on his face, I should add) until Davidson handed them back.

After being chastised by a punk purist for some silly transgression (I think it had to do with his brand of shoes) one of my friends once remarked "Damn, anarchy has a lot of rules".