Some Kind of Munster

The Dwarves never did that much for me, but Supersuckers and New Bomb Turks have been two of my favourite bands since the early '90s. Not enough bands hit that sweet spot of goofy smart-assed fun, brilliantly stupid lyrics and balls-out rock and roll.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Strange – I saw them a few times, the last one in the early '00s and they always brought a ton of energy… and this was in Toronto which is renowned for its dull, reserved audiences (I'm sure everyone thinks that about the city they live in, but I've heard several acts

I really hope Weasel's legacy doesn't just become "asshole singer who punched out a woman"…. I mean I'm definitely not defending that and the guy is clearly an asshole, but for all his obnoxious loudmouthery he had a way of writing interesting characters in his songs.

Just a brief mention but I'm glad to see Big Drill Car getting some recognition. Batch is a great record but I've always loved their debut CD/LP/Cassette Type Thing even more.

I should point out that it was an "Applied Arts" college, meaning I was learning to be an illustrator (ie. a productive member of society) and not one of them high-falutin' fine artists.

I think it might have been Mark Prindle who described them as his "favourite band he never listens to" which sounds about right.

Triumph singer Rik Emmet is now a respected "jazz" guitarist in what passes for Canada's jazz scene.

Silly as it seems, that song genuinely helped me get through art school without murdering anybody.

Fuck yeah… one of the greatest live bands I've ever seen and Davidson is an awesome frontman. His signature move? Yanking a hat off a front-row dude's head, stuffing it down his pants while continuing to flail around the stage for awhile, then pulling it back out and slapping it down on the dude's head.

They're still funny, but not "Ha-ha" funny.

Yes, wool is an excellent insulator.

Do you keep my hair in place?
Do you keep my documents in order?
Do you have 3 settings?
Liar! My fan fucking lied to me. Now I will pull the
pin up. Now you ain't sayin' shit.

It's not even so much that it's being ignored – if anything we love him even more now.

"Figures I get the results immediately and then have to wait until December for the ceremony."

I slipped one time and nicked my ballsack with the scissors. I bought a new beard trimmer and relegated my old one to junk duty the next day.

If I'm being completely honest, Ice Cube's aversion to pork is probably the biggest factor in me never really embracing his music. No ham? I'm sorry, he's just not very relatable.

A friend of mine refused to listen to my recommendation of the Black Angels a while ago for the same reason.

Little known fact: The lion was played by James Hetfield's dad.

I'll give PE the edge because holy shit is it a great song, but the Tricky version might be the greatest cover of all time.

Coo loo coo coo, coo coo coo coo!