Some Kind of Munster

"She gives off such great sparks in her confrontation with Leonard Nimoy that I almost wish she hadn't died."

Nah, the CFL season is well under way already.

The Steakflower was inside you the whole time.

Is it going to fall to me to correct everyone's spelling of Bryan Adams?
(that's what makes the Ryan Adams thing so funny! Their names are only one letter apart!)

I never encountered butt patting in ten or so years of playing hockey and lacrosse but maybe that was because of the gloves? There was a lot of fist-bumping and (helmeted) headbutts.

Once when I was maybe three or four my older sister was kind of picking on me and giving me a hard time as she was wont to do. Now, I've always been pretty laid back and easy-going even back then, but when I finally lose my shit I LOSE MY SHIT so once she'd pushed me far enough I fucking snapped and for some reason I

Strangely enough, the only person I know who ever carried a pocket watch was one of my college friends who was and is the biggest proselytizer for this show I've ever met – it was airing while we were in school together and he pressured everyone to watch it every week (which I never got around to) and bought the DVDs

My advice is to do as much life drawing as possible… if there's an art school nearby offering cheap-ish life drawing classes go for it – and if that's not an option try to convince a friend or significant other to pose for you (doesn't have to be naked but the more "body" you see the better). If your friend wants to

On the contrary – that sounds like "too much air conditioning" to me. Open up them windows!

Nice! I'm listening to Agents of Oblivion right now… I'm liking it a lot – kind of a missing link between the heaviness of Acid Bath and the minimalism of Deadboy and the Elephantmen.

Let's not rule out the ticks just yet! A thorough tick inspection after a hike can be a very sensual encounter!

I believe the technical term is "rock dots".

My in-laws stopped by our place on their way home from a road trip to Northern Ontario and dropped off a huge basket of wild blueberries – the tiny, fucking delicious ones you can't usually get around here – so I baked a couple of awesome pies. I'm not much of a baker but I'm getting pretty good at pie crust since I

I ventured back to the only brewery in my town (Nickel Brook brewery in Burlington, ON) after swearing off the stuff last year because I kept getting shitty batches of beer (any time I had the stuff on draft it was great, but the bottles were hit or miss – it was never "skunky" but some of them had a suphur-y taste).

The Doughboys – In My Head
Sick of it All – My LIfe
Spoon – The Fitted Shirt
The Ventures – Wipe Out
Dead Meadow – At Her Open Door

Ahahahaha… he called the shit poop!

Uh, do you have a link to that Black Flag footage?

Heh. I still have the entire run of The Tick on VHS, complete with mid-90s commercials from our local Fox affiliate. I should mention that I was in college when this was airing.

@Nudeviking:disqus I just recently had to clean all my crap out of the attic of my childhood home when my mom moved and found all my Star Wars and Dungeons and Dragons action figures up there.

Saturday was for cartoons, Sunday was Little Rascals and Three Stooges.