Some Kind of Munster

Anyone else remember the pre-Saturday morning cartoon lineup of "Hilarious House of Frightenstein", the Wizard of Oz cartoon and that stop motion Pinnocchio puppet thing? I just remember being up at like 5 in the morning and watching all that stuff in terror before the sun and the good cartoons came out.

Littlest Hobo is still on Canadian TV every Saturday morning. I know this because I watched one last weekend.

I only have vague memories of all these shows because we lived in Southern Ontario and were just barely in the broadcast range of the Western NY networks. If the weather was cooperating I could get a fuzzy version of the ABC or CBS affiliate but there was no guarantee I'd get to watch the shows from week to week.

Yeah, that was where I checked out too (although that had more to do with discovering Metallica and Suicidal Tendencies than with Hysteria being that much worse than Pyromania)

The phrase "crammed beef in a pan" is making me laugh my ass off for some reason… but can we just talk about how awesome meatloaf is for a minute?

Yeah, but Def Leppard were pretty fucking rad in their early days. Everything up to and including Pyromania was solid.

To be honest, I've never really listened to them beyond "Miracles" and a few songs I heard back in the late '90s when I was hanging around a bunch of dirtbags (no offense!).

I tore something in my shoulder hitting the snooze button a few weeks ago.

I might give the salt thing a try… I usually drink it black with a tiny bit of sugar but lately I've been finding any sugar in my coffee too sweet, but straight black coffee can still be a bit unpleasant.

It was actually my favourite Pixies album for the longest time, mainly because I was kind of sick of Surfer Rosa and Doolittle, but I think I've swung back around to Bossanova as my current favourite/least listened to.

I'm gettin' philanthro-pissed!

I always need to take a second to get my bearings when I hear someone referred to as a "philanthropist".

Uh, maybe a sexier version of Walter Matthau?

Yeah, that's a good point – I think a lot of my hate was directed at my younger self for being so self-absorbed. It wasn't Rob I hated, it was Some Kind of Munster.

I signed up for a 5K run at work earlier this year and the fear of being humiliated in front of my coworkers was a big motivator.

Yeah, I just started running this year (calling what I do "running" is a bit of an exaggeration – let's go with "plodding") but yeah, the alone time is a big thing for me. The only other time I really have to myself is on my commute but that time is hampered by other fucking people being on the fucking road, and which

*finishes shovelling third consecutive cheese sandwich into mouth*
*checks watch*

"That was thunder!"
My 2 year old daughter, after ripping a huge chain reaction of farts at the dinner table.

I really identified with Rob when I first read High Fidelity (fresh out of college) but on a recent re-read I found myself hating him, which might mean that I'm a less shitty person than I was back then or just that I'm more judgmental.

I'm a hairy fella and I don't want all them hairs creeping out my buttonholes.