Some Kind of Munster

I think it was Noel Murray's Popless series that really sucked me in… I think I'd clicked on the odd story here before then (through links on The Onion) but that was the one that made me start checking back weekly and before I knew it I was wasting most of my work week here.

I don't know how to reconcile my fondness for you with your love of ICP… but I gotta respect you for not trying to hide it!

Awesome… I just listened to "Dead Letter Office" last night for the first time in a few years and had forgotten that "Windout" is such a great song.

Liked for the Bomboras!

Pixies – Trompe le Monde
Happy Mondays – WFL
Flight of the Conchords – Leggy Blonde
Sleater-Kinney – The Professional
Queens of the Stone Age – Keep Your Eyes Peeled

Charles, cuz he's in charge.

That's one of those albums where I always try to cherry pick the best tracks to put on a playlist, then when I'm done realize the whole fucking thing is on there.

We can comment on Friends reviews now? This won't end well!

Holy fuck, do I ever approve of this gimmick.

I don't know…. I don't think any trumpet player would fit in with a BTO tribute band.

Ben Stein's an anti-choicer and a creationist, so I'm thinking we need to move him over to the Matthew Broderick/Jeffrey Jones list.

Thanks for the spoiler alert, douchebag.

Oh fuck, was that Ecco the Dolphin game the one for the Atari where the octopus just chases you ceaselessly while you dodge walls of coral (then once in a while you eat a seagull and have a brief respite where you get to chase the octopus)?

Hell, if Swastika, Ontario still hasn't changed their name, I don't think Sandusky will.

I used to know a kid named Beaufort, who we of course called "Blow-fart".

Really, I think getting to four comments before Kirk's mom is brought into this shows admirable restraint. We're growing up!

We started rewatching them last week too and couldn't get over how little Bran and Arya were.

Nah, we had no idea!

You sure that was a "sigh", Will?

Hey, if I had junk like that I'd be showing it off at every opportunity too.