Some Kind of Munster

You can pick apart the moronic lyrics all you want but I can't help but love that fucking song. "A Horse With No Name" rules.

I remember drinking a giant blue slurpee once in high school and taking a fluorescent green dump the next day. Scared the hell out of me until I realized what caused it (then I promptly went out and got another blue slurpee).


Holy shit, I forgot all about REO Speedealer. I used to love those guys!

Nope, not just you.
We're potty training my daughter now and I spend a lot of time singing "everybody poops… sometimes" to myself while I wait outside the bathroom door.

Should I like this just for the effort, or will that only encourage you?

Woodsy Allen, nervous fella, etc, etc.

Aw, man. I'm genuinely sad to hear about this.

I haven't done any work yet either, but you gotta have standards. Get yourself some lunch before that nap fer cryin' out loud!

I have the coffee table book that these pictures are taken from and there's another awesome shot of Spinney wearing his Big Bird legs and nonchalantly reading the newspaper on set.

We used to gather at the house of a few of my friends in college every week for "Drinking with Bailey" – take a drink every time Bailey drinks, or somebody cries, or that strummy guitar thing happens on the soundtrack and if Bailey gets behind the wheel drunk, yell "One for the road!" and knock back your drink.

That reminds me, I'm a 37 year old dude who grew up obsessed with Star Wars – saw all the movies in the theatre (multiple times in the case of ROTJ), had a shitload of the toys, even read one or two "Expanded Universe" (or whatever it's called) novels – and I've only seen part of the first prequel on TV years after it

Wait, which kind are you talking about?
Y'know what? Doesn't matter… I don't like either (although I do watch CFL football from time to time).

I'm just realizing that I've never actually seen a full episode of any Star Trek-related show or any of the movies. I've seen bits and pieces of the original series and TNG  and part of the movie with the space whales – basically enough that I can understand basic Star Trek references in other pop culture – but I've

Hey! I'm not that ba… Oh, nevermind.


For a second I thought you were talking about Playboy and I was like "damn, that would have made my middle school years a lot more enjoyable".

I always wondered about that… I'd see people on here and elsewhere talking about Mountain Dew this and caffeine that and I didn't remember ever feeling particularly jacked up after drinking it (and I drank a lot of that shit as a teenager).

In Russia, law orders you!

No, but if I'm wearing s button-down shirt over a T-shirt, I'll often take off the button-down before I go in there.