Some Kind of Munster

Yeah, I like the Black Keys and all but he's pretty clearly delusional if he thinks the Grammys are about music.

I usually enjoy it too… it's not high art or in-depth analysis but as long as there are a few funny jabs at shitty songs I'll keep reading (and I'm definitely not above sitting around ranting about songs I hate – it's one of my favourite hobbies)

Fair enough – I've never fired an actual gun but I've played around with air rifles and was on my high school archery team (and you thought football players got a lot of ass!) so I can sort of understand the appeal of target shooting.

Wondering the same thing – you obviously seem to be a responsible gun owner but those don't sound like hunting implements.

My dad had two old hunting rifles stashed away in the attic for decades (never had any ammo in the house as far as I knew, and he never hunted once during my lifetime). When the city instituted a guns for cameras trade-in program he gleefully signed up and cackled like a loon when he got his two cameras – because he

Y'know, I can forgive him for all his other tomfoolery, but never playing Punch-Out?

I've always been a big fan of "The Bug Song".

I was really excited the first few times I listened to Wugazi, until I realized that I'd rather be listening to Fugazi or Wu-Tang.

Thanks for this, Nathan.
You can let the folks at Light in the Attic know you just sold a copy of that compilation.

Awww, @avclub-8288999e960ebe6aca280a2c31f5645b:disqus and @avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7:disqus got married!

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus Can't do a damned thing about your forehead, my ass!

Tell that to the Ramones!

We've actually had it on in the office this afternoon and it's pretty good. Nothing earth-shattering, but it's certainly pleasant. if you're a fan of his other stuff it's worth checking out.

Do you have a rental application I could fill out?

I'm sure I've driven through Concord at some point, but it's one of those vague outer-reaches areas that I'm never entirely sure about the location of.

I think you're confusing her with Fabio. Common mistake.

Can we all talk about how great the hit-by-a-bus scene in Meet Joe Black is? I don't think I've ever met anyone who's seen the whole movie, but everybody's seen that part multiple times.

I once got in an argument with a sandwich artist over the amount of olives on a sub. In the end he refused to add more than 6 olives (or whatever the prescribed limit was) and I refused to pay for it (he totally called my bluff – I didn't think they'd actually waste a half-finished sandwich over an olive dispute but

How about Tom Petty's "A Woman in Love (It's Not Me)"? The song makes it clear that the woman's in love with someone who isn't him, but based on the title alone it sounds like he's making it clear that he's not the woman in love. No shit, Tom.

Someone around here (can't remember who) recently pointed out that Don Was' name is actually pronounced "Waas", so the name of the band is more accurately Waas (not Wuz) which makes the parenthetical necessary.