Some Kind of Munster

And the old men march slowly, all bent, stiff and sore
The forgotten heroes from a forgotten war
And the young people ask, "What are they marching for?"
And I ask myself the same question

I've been fondly remembering that article (and inserting the name of various other horrible people) ever since it was posted and it really does make me feel better.

It's all about the Timbits. I mean, donuts are OK, but it's the outside of the donut that's good and Timbits give you more outside.

Yeah, but February's the worst month so the republicans could justify it that way.


Awesome record. I especially like driving around and listening to the all-instrumental cover of Coldplay's "God Put a Smile on Your Face" (I know!) and pretending I'm in the opening credits of a '70s cop movie.

I really wish Stomping Tom Jones was now a thing.

I really wish Stomping Tom Jones was now a thing.

Never forget!

My favourite is probably "Payin' the Dues", but "High Visibility" and "Grande Rock" are a little more polished and probably bear more of a resemblance to Kiss (if that's your thing).

Can't say I've heard Graveyard, but I'll definitely check them out… that whole sleazy, cock-rockin' garage punk thing is like catnip to me and I really haven't discovered anyone new doing that lately.

It's not even the best song on the album!

I liked your joke, until you explained that you weren't just casting aspersions upon the size of his penis, but were in fact doing so humorously. Then I loved it.

Yeah, Frehley's not the greatest guitarist, but at his best he had a loose, barely-in-control-of-his-guitar sound that I really love (and I know Slash has often credited him with being a big influence on his playing).

Y'know how we told you Eric Carr moved away to a farm upstate where he can chase rabbits all day? Well… uh…. Jesus, this isn't easy…

He's not made of stone!

I like Ace's solo album a lot, but I still have to give the edge to "Love Gun"

It's been over 25 years since I last ate pancakes without doing that.

When I was in college we used to make a horrible drink we called "Moose Juice" that consisted of a 24 of the cheapest beer we could find (back then it was usually Wild Cat), a 40 of the cheapest gin we could find (usually Gilbey's) and four cans of frozen pink lemonade all stirred up in a big bucket. It cost $60 to

As many high school idiots do, I played in a never-ending series of "bands", most of whom were lucky to play a single battle of the bands show in some basement.