Some Kind of Munster

It's really rare for me to laugh out loud (I'm a comic's worst nightmare!) but I guffawed reading that list, just remembering those episodes.

I use that pronunciation of "logos" all the time and very few people know what's the matter with me.

Fuck you @avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus!
Clifford rules!

Yeah, Gerry Dee's awful.
My former boss was his uncle or cousin or something and he used to always send out YouTube links to the whole team whenever some new shitty video of him was uploaded.
Great guy to work for and I was sorry to see him go when he quit, but man, do I not miss those videos.

He's still a trade-up from Sean Avery.

Aww, c'mon, Brent Butt's not that bad.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus Heh. "Baby".

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus In our stupid ancestors' defense, racoons probably lived a lot longer before the invention of the car.

Counter-counterpoint: Bridges and houses are learning to fly.

@EvelKareebel:disqus I'll have you know that Family Day is a long and storied tradition going back almost five years.

Are any of the members of Poison Idea still alive? Can we get those guys on the bill too?

Jeff Gillooly couldn't be reached for comment.

I'm pretty sure being lectured by a 6th grade teacher about how awful he is would only make Brown seem more appealing to them.

Hello. My name is Mandy Patinkin. You took my parking space. Prepare to die!

It's awkward, but it can also be read as "she's dancing in a manner completely different from the manner in which she has previously danced".

My parents both hated the Beatles – my dad, who was very old fashioned never liked rock n roll at all, and my mom who was a bit more youthful, liked early rock n roll and always claimed the Beatles "ruined" rock n roll – but I grew up just indifferent too.

AC/DC was one of the first musical things my daughter responded to… my wife claims she used to kick up a storm in her belly whenever she listened to them (the Ramones and Metric were the other two that got this response) and even at the age of about 6 months she'd smile and kind of kick along in her car seat when we

Heh. My daughter does this matter of fact "No. No. No. No" head shake thing whenever I put on a song she doesn't like. It's like she's witnessing some unspeakable horror that her brain can't even comprehend.

I seem to have already mentioned Yo Gabba Gabba in a couple of threads, but Biz Markie has a regular segment on there where he teaches Biz's Beat of the Day. My kid hasn't really tried to beat box herself, but she loves that segment.