Some Kind of Munster

Just this morning on my drive to work "Shot in the Arm" came on and I had a second of "Oh, gotta skip this Yo Gabba Gabba song" before I realized what it was.

Very well said… that's the approach my wife and I are trying to take with our daughter too – letting her know that music is an important part of our lives but allowing her find her own way.

Sounds like we're on the right track – we got our two year old her first guitar for Christmas. Instead of buying one of the plastic ones with buttons and lights and shit, we got her an actual tiny acoustic guitar… she's obviously too young to play it properly at this point, but she loves it and spends at least a

I liked both your comments because I agree with everything @avclub-f894cbc7551b7dea91a6aa9fbfc95c21:disqus says except for the bit about Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.

Y'know, Black Sabbath were my first "favourite" band, thanks to some older neighbours who played "Iron Man" for me when I was about 6.

Yeah, my two year old daughter has her own things she likes, especially anything Muppet or Sesame Street related but we also just listen to whatever we like around her – mostly classic rock and '80s/'90s indie/college rock and she's started to pick out things she likes.

Ha! That's another of the ones I don't skip!

My two year old loves Yo Gabba Gabba too. We bought her one of the compilation CDs and I have a handful of the songs loaded onto my iPod for her – but I have to admit there are a couple that I listen to on my own time (particularly the "Pick it Up" ska song about cleaning your room).

Yeah, my two year old has started mimicking everything she hears now and I had to run over and quickly hit skip the other day when I realized Superchunk's "Slack Motherfucker" was on and it was getting dangerously close to the chorus.

Our two year old does that running-on-the-spot dance (completely independent of Flashdance) so we sing that song all the time too.

My only memory of the Challenger explosion was being super-pissed that it pre-empted my noontime viewing of the Flintstones. That was the whole reason I went home for lunch!

Weird. I can't say I ever thought of those two bands even being remotely similar (other than having a bald frontman).

Or the damn "Whistling Song" by the Meat Puppets?

Some choose celibacy. I had it thrust upon me.

I can't promise I'll try, but I'll try to try.

Always liked Brittany Murphy too and was really sad to see her forcing herself to conform to Hollywood beauty standards to take on less interesting roles.

Someone just discovered the "Posterize" filter in Photoshop!

He's a fine kid. Some of the neighbours say he smokes crack, but I don't believe it.

You might want to let that Johnny Wurster kid know. I hear he was looking up in a tree for his pet burrow owl.

You take that back! Monkeys are hilarious and improve every movie, TV show or birthday party in which they appear!