Some Kind of Munster

When I used to work in a warehouse we were once handed a pamphlet on back safety… y'know, the basics like lifting with your knees and so on. One of the illustrations showed the proper way to sneeze (back straight, head tilted back) and we all laughed about how pathetic you'd have to be to hurt yourself sneezing.

Tomatoes from the store are pretty shitty, but nothing beats a homegrown tomato. I probably eat several pounds of tomatoes every week in the summer.

I work with someone who not only hates bananas but also hates monkeys! We constantly mock her for her terrible taste in everything.

Heh. You've just described Canadian-American relations RE: weather perfectly.

I find that "Canadian tuxedo" comment to be an offensive generalization.

Yeah, @avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus , same deal in Southern Ontario.

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus Last week I had hummus and Thai garlic chilli sauce on a cheeseburger and it was awesome, so I may have your weirdness beat.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Is there a breastfeeder in your midst? I've known a few pregnant ladies who were taking fenugreek to increase milk production and it makes them smell like maple syrup.

People around here hate me for this, but I love this weather (well, more accurately they hate me for loudly proclaiming that I love this weather. Even more accurately there are a variety of other reasons to hate me).

I recently picked up a copy of "Just So Stories" for 50¢ at the Goodwill – I know I read a bunch of the stories as a kid but I don't remember too much. May have to bump it to the top of my reading queue.

I now realize I missed the perfect opportunity to say "I hate the ocean. It's for tools".

When I was in my early teens a few of my friends and I would play Trivial Pursuit all the time because we were nerds. For some reason one of these friends started blurting out "The Jazz Singer starring Al Jolson!" as his standard answer any time he had no fucking clue what the real answer was and it became kind of a

Agreed 100%.
I think that's why it makes me so mad… it was so close to being a good movie and they totally fucked it with that ending.

Agreed with @avclub-89cc6ec8cb4097b886d6174f13aa2814:disqus  about the "For Our Consideration" articles – some of them may be a little flimsy conceptually (and I don't think the intentionally outrageous headline questions are helping) but they generally explore some kind of interesting territory or at least kickstart

Oh god… I was traumatized as a kid when what turned out to be a dead lake trout brushed up against my leg when I was swimming. I still don't like swimming anywhere I can't see all the way to the bottom, but a whale? Fuck the ocean.

The Mist's ending would have been greatly improved by a trombone going "Wah wah waaaaah" when the army shows up.

Heh. I knew there was another Superchunk-obsessive around here, but I couldn't remember who it was.
Hi Switters!

Sincere thanks for posting that because there was no way in hell I was going to Google it.

Sincere thanks for posting that because there was no way in hell I was going to Google it.

Ants are nuts for nougat!