Some Kind of Munster

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Cool – I'll check it out when I get home (and I'll also comb through the many BR songs of questionable origin I obtained in the heady days of 2000 – I may have it and not even know).

Didn't know that – I'd always been under the impression that it was just the CD remastering that fucked up the sound. So, I guess I'm now glad I saved my $20.

Good to know… for a minute there I felt like I'd let some unspeakable treasure slip through my fingers.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Any specific live "Skyscraper" recordings you'd recommend? I don't think I have one and I don't recall them ever playing it any of the times I've seen them (although it's been quite a few years).

A couple of years ago I saw a "new" vinyl copy of New Day Rising in my local record store but for some god damned reason I didn't buy it (I'm going to guess I was broke, but if that was the case what the hell was I doing in a record store in the first place?).

You wouldn't happen to still have her number, would you?

… and I like Meg White's drumming.

Fair enough – I was being sort of glib there and obviously Graffin is a talented singer (and as mentioned elsewhere the "oozin' aahs" – along with the lyrics – are what set them apart).

I'll say this about Suicide Kings – I've been calling buckets "buskets" ever since I saw it, so it's had a more lasting legacy than most of these films.

I'll say this about Suicide Kings – I've been calling buckets "buskets" ever since I saw it, so it's had a more lasting legacy than most of these films.

My brother-in-law used to sell AmWay, or as they were trying to rebrand it at the time, "InterBiz", so all of Fichter's "It's Confederated Products!" rage was extra-funny to me because I'd heard the same thing from him.

Customs Agent: Anything to declare?
Avi: Yeah. Don't go to England.

Interesting question since "best voice" and "punk" are kind of antithetical. Are we just talking contemporary punk, or can I nominate Joe Strummer?

I actually really like the solo in Skyscraper because it's so out of character for a band that was always so much about precision to have this kind of tossed off, sloppy solo in the middle of an otherwise beautifully harmonious song… but yeah, I can see where that could also be read as laziness.

Glad to see some love for "Recipe For Hate". Really loved that album and always thought it was underrated, especially the track featuring Johnette Napolitano who had one of the greatest voices in rock at the time.

That's a badass poster (and I remember loving that movie as a kid, but haven't seen it in 20+ years).

That's a badass poster (and I remember loving that movie as a kid, but haven't seen it in 20+ years).

There's a Mexican place near me that serves "Mexican Perogies" – stuffed with chorizo and served with salsa and sour cream. They're as awesome as that sounds.

I've always loved Gray Race's closing track "Cease" and kind of wish that had been their last album (especially since I gave up on them after their folow-up, No Substance – maybe they've released something good since then?)

Since those are my two favourites you may have just sold me!