Some Kind of Munster

California Games for the Atari was awesome.

@avclub-4ab1a2235d0eb9bd34cb84c0bc59cf6c:disqus is a little sensitive about the topic of "flying spaghetti" ever since he got car sick on that field trip.

Try to pin the blame on a cowardly great dane?

There was a 16 year old girl in my 8th grade class. She caused quite the kerfuffle because middle schools generally don't have student parking lots.

I remember my friends and I driving around aimlessly in my buddy's beat to shit old Ford Taurus listening to this album and nearly crashing into a light standard because he was laughing so hard at Toll Booth Willie.

Yeah, dude is universally beloved in Canada for his perennial national team play but I'm really glad he went to a team with an actual shot at the Cup and not Toronto, as was heavily rumoured last year.

They've really had the odds stacked against them too, inexplicably being in the more competitive and geographically troublesome Western Conference.

A couple days in and I'm still hockey-free.
That's right NHL, I lock you out.

You dumb bastard. It's not a schooner, it's a sailboat!

Yeah, in my mind those two have blurred together into one completely incoherent movie but thanks to Ms. Jovovich, I at least remember something about the Fifth Element.

I know I saw it in the theatre and rented it at least twice afterwards (and probably watched it on TV at some point) but I don't remember a damn thing about Stargate.

Interesting observation… was that the appeal of those shows – that kids would fantasize about swapping out their own parents for the loving adoptive TV parents?

I've always preferred Mr Butlertron.

I've never seen an episode of the show, but I liked the movie.



@avclub-6422e3b9b5a4d5582042acbf6096cb8d:disqus That was probably the last time I met an actual Aerosmith fan too… the kids in my middle school who listened to MC Hammer all seemed to love "Pump" and couldn't understand why I, one of only two "metalheads" in my class, didn't like Aerosmith.

@avclub-9c75bab0f5d964591655e73e7c22c540:disqus In general, yes, but Shout at the Devil is pretty fucking great regardless.

I also really love the "Terriers" song, especially the French verse as it's the only French I still know.

If there had been a Joan Rivers character in The Dark Crystal she would have been played by Steven Tyler.