Some Kind of Munster

I've gotta admit I thought the exact same thing (until I clicked on it to get a better look at the boobies).

My MP3 player loves that song – for some reason every time I put it on shuffle I hear it (I'm not complaining).

I don't think I've ever knowingly heard this song but I really enjoyed this one – I much prefer the picking apart and ridiculing approach to the "They used to play this song all the time when I worked at No Frills and I got really sick of it".

There's only one bell whose opinion matters…

I wear 'em inside out. For my pleasure.

I still like "Barroom Heroes" the best. It's the bagpipinest rock song since Bon Scott died.

Same here – I was trying to pick my favourite Blues Brothers sequence and can't do it. Maybe the John Lee Hooker "Boom Boom" number? But then I remember Aretha and Ray Charles…

My kid is obsessed with the Muppets so I've seen that movie dozens upon dozens of times (we're trying to push more of the classic Muppets on her now, but she still loves the recent one best) and I have most of the soundtrack on my iPod for when she's in the car with me and I'm STILL not sick of "Life's a Happy Song".

Here I was thinking it was Donny, the evil page from 30 Rock.

I got a tattoo of a butt on my butt. On that butt? Another tattoo of a butt.

I haven't seen it since I slept over at the house of a kid with permissive parents who rented it for us. I'm not going to comment on the quality, but it scared the ever-living fuck out of 11-year-old me.

I really loved that movie too and convinced a couple of friends to watch it and they all hated it.
Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it.

I was just wondering about why it seemed necessary to mention that the crew on the Canadian production was Canadian (unless the disturbing bit in the scene involved Timbits or something. That would definitely upset Canadians.)

Dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink

Same here – I lost around 45 lbs over the course of about 2 years by doing the same kinds of things… cutting out weekday drinking, limiting fast food, exercising more and choosing healthier snacks like fruit and veggies.
It was never a drastic change (and it was a slow process) but it was surprisingly easy and I've

While idly house-hunting a while ago I found a place that looked pretty nice based on the pictures and was surprisingly almost in our hypothetical price range. Then I read the description, "Handyman special! Train lover's dream!".

While idly house-hunting a while ago I found a place that looked pretty nice based on the pictures and was surprisingly almost in our hypothetical price range. Then I read the description, "Handyman special! Train lover's dream!".

Allow me to once again relate my (possibly untrue, but too great not to try to believe) Pringles story:
According to an acquaintance who worked for P&G at the time when they were introducing the low fat variety, the lowest fat reduction they could achieve was 5% while still having the chips somewhat edible. In order to

I quite honestly don't know what I'll do if this site ever gets blocked. I guess I'll become productive but jesus, at what cost?

Just for the record, I don't want it to sound like my attempt was a success. I was agreeing with you that it was a bad idea (although I'm intrigued by @avclub-c255c05246a081654a0267cbb725f5a7:disqus's recipe now).