Some Kind of Munster

Basil seems pretty indestructible. I've let mine die off almost completely, then a couple of days of watering brings it right back. Just keep picking off those flowery tops and it will produce right up until it freezes.

@avclub-2ac233bc53744593f485e5752aaa692a:disqus No matter what I do I can't seem to get any salad greens to grow… I've tried sun, shade, a mixture of the two, and various different kinds of lettuces, but the fuckers sprout and then just die off (or get dug up by the asshole squirrels).

It's all about making your body uninhabitable so the germs go "fuck it, I'm outta this shithole".

I have a pretty small raised garden in my townhouse backyard and after a couple of attempts I think I'm going to strip it down to a couple of varieties of tomato, some hot peppers (cayenne worked well for me last year), eggplant and green beans. Everything else has been a bust so far so I'm going to use my limited

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus That was the sound of the firecrackersmith being shot.

I just had this February vs March as the shittiest month argument at work a few weeks ago with a February-birthed coworker.
March is WAY better, not just because of my birthday, but as @avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7:disqus and @avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus  say, Spring Forward and St.

I think somewhere around 8 or 9 I stopped believing but kept up the charade around the house so I'd still get presents. I think i was 20 before anyone in my family acknowledged that maybe this "Santa" thing had run its course.

So you're saying it's an either/or thing?
OK, I'll cut out the hand washing and stick with the toilet eating and see if that works.

My brother-in-law was being surprisingly generous with his Macallan 15 year. In fact he handed me the bottle on his way out the door to go to work the one night and told me to help myself (so of course I obliged).

For myself, yeah, I'm pretty happy about taking down the tree and reclaiming my living room but I'm not looking forward to my two-year-old's reaction. Kid's gonna be  pissed.

My wife went on a soup-cooking spree – standard post-Christmas turkey-vegetable and some sort of corn chowder-type thing that started with what we think was a ham bone that we found in the freezer, then added a bunch of veggies including a shit load of brussels sprouts, and diced up some grilled pork chops that were

Yep, sick too – in bed at 10 on NYE, and back in the office today feeling like a bag of ass. Suck my balls, 2013!

My two year old is currently obsessed with the Snow Miser/heat Miser songs from "The Year Without a Santa Claus", which is magnificently dorky and in no way cool.

Just finished reading Elmore Leonard's "Pronto", which was somehow the first of his books I've read (and I got it for a buck at my local Salvation Army store!). It was quick and funny and a little bit silly but I'll definitely be looking out for more of his books in the dollar bin. (Also, it features Raylan Givens of

I stole a giant inflatable Kool-Aid man from the grocery store where I used to work. He was a fixture at my house for quite a while before someone sat on him and he popped. Oh Nooooooo!

Strangely enough, I watched some ridiculous show about bigfoots (bigfeet?) years ago that linked UFO sightings to bigfoot sightings in the '70s – like on the same nights people claimed to have had a run-in with bigfoot, other people in the area claimed to have seen a UFO.

In retrospect I'm really surprised my parents took 8 year old me to see it… they were usually pretty strict about what my sister and I were allowed to watch, but for some reason agreed to take us to see it at the drive in (IIRC, i had bought some kind of Gizmo toy at the corner store and that's what inspired me to

In retrospect I'm really surprised my parents took 8 year old me to see it… they were usually pretty strict about what my sister and I were allowed to watch, but for some reason agreed to take us to see it at the drive in (IIRC, i had bought some kind of Gizmo toy at the corner store and that's what inspired me to

Same here. Can't say I was really interested either way (neither Kidman or people being peed on do much for me) but I'm somehow even less interested now.

Same here. Can't say I was really interested either way (neither Kidman or people being peed on do much for me) but I'm somehow even less interested now.