Some Kind of Munster

Don't be ridiculous.

Only one roll? What, are you trying to quit?

I'm not even that much of a scotch snob but I've been dying for an opportunity to use that line.

@avclub-12452dd35f55e1556457ff81819baf53:disqus  always with the masturbating

"Bastard" was used pretty frequently in my house but I always thought it was a political term (as in: "those bastards in congress", etc)

Everyone knows proctology is funnier than gynecology anyway

Am I the only one who doesn't like Avery at all? I've never found anything about the character or her interactions with Jack remotely funny or interesting (and I find she drags Jack down with her whenever she's onscreen). By far my least favourite Jack love interest and I'm really hoping he leaves her for her mother.

Same here. Charles Grodin is always great as a cranky, put-upon schmuck.

Definitely not The Thing he'd want to be remembered for.

Here's as good a place as any for me to tell this anecdote that no one but me will find funny…
I was in an art supply store with two of my coworkers on our supposed coffee break the other day, with two of us "helping" the third find some specific marker she was looking for. Coworker #1 called out "Hey! I found it!"

That sounds terrible, but fuck it. I'll do it for Yauch.

Well put… we've been on a Beasties bender in my office all afternoon and I can't seem to stay upset. The music is just too god damn much fun.

The Beasties not only opened my mind up to hip hop, but also to funk, soul and jazz. I'll forever be grateful to them for expanding my horizons and making me a better/cooler person (also for soundtracking all the best parties of my high school and college years).

@avclub-93e06678bf43969ed7f3b3377605aa8c:disqus I never noticed that until someone around her pointed it out (might have been Lexicondevil) but I agree… that brightens my day every time I hear it.

Tron funkin' blows!

Two words: Poison Idea.

Was Leslie's track story foreshadowing what's to come? Her mom is also involved in municipal politics somehow (can't remember the details, I know she's showed up in earlier episodes) so this could be setting up a repeat of Leslie finishing dead last but her mom still telling her how proud she is.

It's not "your guys country". It's "you guys's country".

I couldn't put my finger on it, but there it is.

I learned about "crushing" from an episode of The Practice guest-starring Henry Winkler.