Some Kind of Munster

Oh man, I hope it's like that dynamite piano Yosemite Sam rigs up for Bugs Bunny to play.

Ha! It was Fargo that led to me no longer being allowed to choose movies at my in-laws' house.

Here's the thing though… do guys really give a shit if their bacon is in the shape of a rose?
I'm sure it looked very impressive and your friend's husband appreciated the time and effort but she probably could have just slid a plate of plain old bacon across the table and he'd be just as happy.
Bacon's good enough on

That's pretty awesome… for me, it's probably the earliest album that I loved as a kid that I still really like now.

I think goth meant something different in the '80s (and would include both the Cure and the Cult)

You mess with the Bruce, you're going to get the Horns(by).

Whatever happened to Michelle Burke? She was super foxy in this movie (enough so that I bothered to look up her name after one of the many times I watched D&C) but I've never seen her in anything else.

Yeah, these comments are really making me realize that for all the hundreds of bands I've seen over the past 20 years, I've seen very few cultural or historically relevant bands. Is anyone going to be impressed that I saw Seaweed 5 times or that I saw Guzzard play in a bar the size of my living room?


And what about Bob?

I've got to admit it. I laughed.

Nah, I think about that every time I'm wrestling with some stupid fucking orange in my office kitchen. If they weren't so god damn delicious I wouldn't waste my time.

I actually got to shake the Shat's hand at my college graduation. He was the reddest, sweatiest man I've ever seen in my life.

I think Liking that would seem mean, so allow me to just say "yes".

How 'bout "Large Marge"? Don't tell me that's off the table too.

I was kind of disappointed in the Toronto Star for actually wasting space on that non-story (it was the only place I saw any coverage of it). From what I could tell, it was one sad Mormon kid who was missing the point of the entire plotline trying to start a boycott. Leave that shit to the campus newspapers.

I was going to make fun of you for doing something so silly at the age of 23 when you should have known better, until I remembered that when i was around that age, I suffered a temporarily debilitating case of food poisoning. After a couple of days of eating nothing but broth and jello, i was feeling better and


Strangely, it all kind of aligns with US/Canada political party designations anyway… The Canada-only Robertson screw is the NDP to Phillips and Slot's Liberal/Democrat and Conservative/Republican parties.

Mine was "List of Screw Drives", which I looked up yesterday after reading an Onion article about a poll showing that whatever percentage of Americans were open to a third type of screwdriver.