
Crazy Person -

CBS didn't run the puppy over, they just didn't do the forensic analysis at the crime scene as thoroughly as he expected.

Totoro is amazing. Virtually any random frame makes me smile.

Really, I don't generally spend any time caring about the personal lives of entertainers. There are bands whose music I've loved for twenty plus years, I have all of their albums, and yet I don't know if key members are married or have a political affiliation. This is why I'm not about to go scour Google to find out

Yeah, in the same way I expect religious people to have enough confidence in their faith that they can tolerate criticism of their religion or even their god, I expect people like myself, agnostics and atheists, to be able to recognize that even great art grounded in religious belief doesn't alter our fundamental

Impossible to comprehend:
"I've never understood the hate for this show and I'm looking forward to its return."

"Duplicity", "Malfeasance", "Subterfuge" and "Unscrupulous" are all in development for 2014.

"and everybody’s talking about true purposes and the meaning of life and stuff, and it all looks like a yogurt ad."

Couldn't ABC have revived M.A.N.T.I.S. and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. to run with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

If you run full speed, head first into a brick wall a few dozen times, you too can nick a high paying job as an NBC programming executive.

I only laugh at unironic Big Mama's House references…

Jack Bauer is a man who has spent at least 8 days of his life without eating, using the toilet or spanking the monkey. Surely we can only ask him to endure so much more after that kind of torture.

All I know is that it will feature a cover of Nirvana's "Rape Me" as it's opening theme…

8 p.m.: JUNIOR MASTERCHEF (fall)
9 p.m.: SLEEPY HOLLOW encores (fall)"

With "Alphas" being cancelled, I'll almost certainly watch this even though it's been years since I regularly watched anything on ABC.

That would work! The question is which direction to take it. On one hand, it could be a primetime adventure series, maybe in the "24" (perpetually scrambling from one crisis to another) mold or, if we want to be more realistic, something like "The Walking Dead" (mindless zombies lurking around every corner).

As a Chicago resident, I am overjoyed to see the expansion of recognition for our fine public servants with Chicago PD coming in at mid season.

Star Wars is the obvious choice. Of the films that I still think of as "favorites", it's the one I saw first. That said, I like ESB more, so the original Star Wars feels somewhat diminished in comparison.

Could we be heading into a new golden age of animation?

I don't know. The loathing I feel whenever I see the cable bill deducted from my checking account, knowing that I've subsidized Honey Boo Boo and Real Housewives of Plastic Junction against my will is palpable. While I know that in the big picture, it may be the mouthbreathing masses that are actually subsidizing say,