
Comcast should hire whoever writes the AT&T U-Verse commercials with the "in my day" kids. Aside from Community and Parks and Rec, those are orders of magnitude sharper than anything the peacock has aired this season.

Forgot about that.

…“investigate the possibility of re-colonizing the planet” (which probably just means “hook up”) and features Henry Ian Cusick and Isaiah Washington"

Exactly. HBO makes everything so confusing, it's hard to follow. Wouldn't you much rather watch something simple and honest, like "Greyjoy's Anatomy" on ABC or "NCIS: Casterly Rock" on CBS?

Can someone just get it over with and mandate by law that every show must be about law enforcement, lawyers or doctors, just to eliminate confusion.

-deleted accidental double post-

There was a time, a decade or so ago, that I would have sneered at most of these films as being banal, pseudo "indie" pap. Now I can only desperately hope that I'll see a handful between pestering my wife to see something "interesting", taking off from work a couple hours early and Netflix. What has happened to my