
I want to know who this movie actually appeals to. Most rom-coms are marketed for the ladies, but this seems like it's a rom-com for dudes. But I can't see anyone being interested in watching this movie.

I agree to disagree with your disagreement of my prior statement.

I find him very charming. I just can't help myself.

Well then I am really impressed by your ability to write (type).

So obviously the dress is made out of soap.

Yep, and my tongue is burnt to a chemical crispy-ness

Yeah, but neither of them have teeth so who cares.

I do find that when I eat them I can't stop. I just assumed there was MSG in them and that was why they are so addictive.

agree to disagree.

I too love Colin Hanks, so I see why they are so obsessed.

Aw, I just rewatched Fringe. I have so much love for that show.

Is that Chyna the former lady wrestler?

MSBNC tells me this is a new crime trend in big cities but I had no idea it was Kanye West related.

I'm just trying to do my best to bring my gender down. And that should be congratulations bitches, I've got a little girl cookin in here. :) But thanks!

Better that then forcing poor nuns to pay for insurance that may also cover birth control. Am I right!

True Story!

Very off topic, but I'm about 7 months pregnant and they say you are supposed to play Mozart to make your baby smart. Well I've been playing Prince instead. This baby is going to come out wearing a ruffled shirt and sculpted facial hair. Which is a shame because it's a girl.

Who cares if they are in high school. I agree with Nerd, the only way issues like these ever get resolved is to continually bring attention to it and make it an important issue.

Different careers having pay gaps is one thing, but it has been shown that women in the same jobs as men with the same education make less money. That is not an issue of women are teacher men are bankers bs.

And you probably make more money then them.