Wet Blanket

Stallone has tried to continue to create original and thoughtful works? Other than a few half-ass attempts at credibility, like taking that role in Cop Land, it seems to me he got a taste of mainstream success and never looked back.

Jesse Pinkman's a great character because they're taking a ridiculous Icy Hot Stunta and making him someone deep, vulnerable and identifiable. I don't think the people who made this movie realize that…

What about that one hammerhead shark looking cop from Space Precinct?

Also Damias Lewis can't afford to leave the show, what with his $10,000 a day lemon-sucking habit and all.

This is the internet. Aren't you supposed to spell lose "l-o-o-s-e?"

Kill Danny.

Who do you think is going to don the Felina suit, anyway? While I'd like to think it's Lydia and she's going to become a supervillian seizing control of the Eastern European underworld, I think the likely choice is Marie, avenging Hank's death as sort of a Dark Kitty Knight. I guess Skyler could do it too, maybe

That would be cool, but I'll need Zach Helm to show up on Talking Bad and confirm whether or not Badger's vision for an Emporium sequel is canon before I act out with my Magorium LARP. We kind of have a rule about no fanfic to keep the campaign pure.

God, what is this from. I think that might be the that Tim Burton Willy Wonka that came out a couple years ago? No wait, that had Johnny Depp. Maybe this is that Imaginarium of Doctor Whatever movie? Was Dustin Hoffman in that? What happened to Dustin Hoffman anyway, how come all these amazing 70s method actors do any

And that 1960s what-if story where he married Jimmy Olsen

@avclub-8c1bbcea199457b63dc39f7a024591f1:disqus ,  was four albums chosen instead of five to make sure the Velvet Underground made the cut or something? What about My Bloody Valentine or Stone Roses or Neutral Milk Hotel or other bands who created singular masterpieces? It all seems really, really arbitrary. As is, I

Yeah. The animated opening credits to the Frankie Valli song are all kinds of awesome.

There could be a great future for him as a pitchman. I see him 20 years from now on late night car commercials selling Hyundais as "TV's Dexter."

I think he should team up with Michael Ian Black and Bruce McCulloch and do a reverse Orphan Black where three actors are playing the same role.

Let's just call it getting "Showtimed."

You forgot "at your local PARTICIPATING McDonalds." There isn't a McDonalds within 500 miles of me that's participating in the Free Small Ice-Cream Cone for Dexter Watchers program.

I just assumed Forster was hired by the Cinnabon corporation.

I've been to Omaha and I've been to Albequerque. Albequerque is cooler, but let's be clear here, as far as cities go it's a pretty lateral move. 

I scrolled down specifically to see if anyone made that "Sounds Like The Breeders" joke, so thanks for that.

Ouch.  That's the fake number Jenny gives dudes if she's not interested.