Wet Blanket

Okay.. Have you actually READ the lyrics to Sprawl 2?

Hey guys! Let's call him A Minus A Minus Dowd from now on!

You got him. Sean O'Neal is a School Bus Racist.

He probably would have, but he doesn't dare do anything that might hamper donations to his daughters' folk band's Kickstarter.

Sorry, this cure only works on people who lost their hearing because they spent every night at clubs, parties and concerts. For some reason it has absolutely no effect on useful members of society.

The Bandit will show up with his giant tanker of Coors and nobody will care because it's not 1976 and everybody knows it's a shitty beer.

Sharp. It's card sharp.

All of that is true, but "he liked it."

Frankly I just think the finale's a letdown because there was SO FUCKING MUCH speculation about what was going to go down, that just about every permutation had been discussed here and elsewhere. What we got is just one variation of so, so many things that could have been. And, while it was perfectly fine, there

Home Movies was pretty great too.

I thought it would'a been "Don't It Make Your Brown Eyes Blue"

Yeah and I can't ever hear Badfinger without getting melancholy after I read their tragic story.. Which involves among other awful things, a Saul Goodman-esque manager stealing every dime from them.

It's a pulp TV show, a modern day western, not a true-to-life drama… You're not really supposed to worry about the characters' career opportunities ten years down the road. He's alive and he's free, and that's that.

I would steer clear of it based on subject matter alone (poor-me wealthy single guy can't find love in the worst city on the planet) if it was an unknown actor, or really, just about any American comedian. But it's Merchant, so full steam ahead.

I'd badmouth your oral choices, Pickleshitter.

If grades don't matter they shouldn't use them. And, pretty much all of us went to high school, most of us went to college too, and thus we're pretty conditioned to give letter grades an enormous amount of weight.

What the fuck? Skyler DIED last night?

The answer is in a follow-up question: Will she genuinely appreciate your waiting to share a major cultural phenomenon with her, which means almost certainly having then ending spoiled for you by SOMEONE as well as waiting five extra days to see something you really, really want to see for no reason other than to

I can see a scenario where he'd take before the revenge rampage to guarantee he wouldn't end up slowly dying of cancer in jail? After telling his whole story or something dramatic like that? That theory seemed more likely when Hank was in the picture, but still, it's possible.

The Po's theory on what happens is a lot cleverer than yours.