Welcome to the Thunderdome

In what world is Charlie the show's "secret weapon"? He's the most popular character on it by far and the only one to break out because of the show.

@avclub-45a99effbf17c0286917f132ab9d3595:disqus @TAGinMO:disqus  I didn't mean foreshadowing as to how it would happen but foreshadowing that, one way or another, Nate Fisher would die before Six Feet Under was over. My only real surprise was that they did it before the final episode.

Seriously? No sense that the show is leading to his death? I would argue that his death was overly foreshadowed for five seasons.

Season 5 was loaded with dark humor. Really, the whole series was. Most of it wasn't as overt as Margaret, though.

I feel like everyone still would watch that show if they aired it now with Busy Philipps and Linda Cardellini starring. By everyone, I mean the same 15 people who watched Freaks and Geeks. But maybe we could reel in the 15,000 people who have watched it in the time since it aired.

Still spoiling…

It definitely predated her marriage. It also wasn't well done, probably the worst story line of the series.

Where does this rank among the greatest paintball-based TV episodes of all time? I like it a lot, but Community occupies my top three spots.

George doesn't start coming apart until Season 4.

Well, you got half of it right. Clearly Peter Krause needs to marry someone named Kristina, not Lisa.

See, I disliked Ruth more in Season 4, as she became more and more the woman she had been before the show started, before Nathaniel's death.


I'll be the buzzkill: Nate has almost no interaction with Dana on this show.

I'd watch that Chopped.

Cap'n Cook's Chili Porter needs to happen.

Have you decided against watching Cheers?

Did the Dundies just get a B?

"Kim Kelly is my Friend" is the show's second great episode, after the pilot. I'm looking forward to an essay on Busy Philipps' weird career arc.

Still zero mentions of Harris in Todd's reviews.

Erik, I'm not sure you understood the connection. They are his cousins because they share a grandmother.