Welcome to the Thunderdome

I think almost everyone was likable this week, to be honest. But I'm way too attached at this point.

Another unusual but strong episode. I really enjoyed the characters meeting with Zeek, particularly seeing his daughter-in-laws with him without the sons. We haven't had many or maybe any Jasmine-Zeek scenes that didn't involve Crosby. I like the way they've built this season, particularly the Joel-Julia story line.

This was a strange but very good and maybe great episode. I'd guess this is the first episode ever to not have Kristina and the first to not have any of the younger children (though it's definitely not the first to cut Haddie). So this week's Braverman power rankings are a bit light:

Had I noticed, she would have been a few spots higher.

My weekly Braverman power rankings come after the tensest full-family scene in the show's history, yet no one came off that poorly:

A lot of the kids were snubbed this week. And the women far outperformed the men in this week's Braverman power rankings:

That was a very nice episode. And though it's been a while, Braverman weekly power rankings:

Just messing with you, Todd! I agree! Calm your horses! Tell us stories about your embarrassing adventures in adulthood in these, too, like the stuff from Freaks and Geeks about being a teen.

I'd fell behind but caught up this week in time for this episode. So bringing back the Braverman Power Rankings:

I'd fell behind but caught up this week in time for this episode. So bringing back the Braverman Power Rankings:

But it was an A- episode for adding Rafi on top of that.


Think about how quickly that episode is going to spread around the dorm, though. He'll be "The kid who had his sister's fiance threaten his roommate" for the rest of the year.

Most of the long story arcs on Sports Night kind of sucked but were made up for by great episodic plots, amazing acting and strong writing.

I don't watch them for that reason. The only show I watch the "next week on" segment for is Mad Men because it's always funny.

I'm bringing back my full Braverman of the week power rankings.

Parks and Rec still hasn't aired.

It legitimately offends me that a Rafi-hater reviews this show.

I am staunchly opposed to that view of Buffy. The show revolved around her in a way that can't really be said of any of the characters on this list.

Dawson Leery?