I buy the bleeding. I hit my forehead on the wooden base of a sofa as a kid and that shit fucking GUSHED. Head wounds bleed like no other.
I buy the bleeding. I hit my forehead on the wooden base of a sofa as a kid and that shit fucking GUSHED. Head wounds bleed like no other.
There's one on I-57 too, somewhere in the interminably boring area between Kankakee and Champaign. There used to be one about corn there too, not sure what happened to it.
It wouldn't have been a problem if only her haunted house had been
equipped with Cree(tm) brand LED bulbs! They have this wonderful
protective coating on the outside that makes them much harder to break!
Buy them now at Home Depot! Drive our stock prices up!
And really, can't we be more creative with our insults? What about calling them "femikhmers"? Hell if you need to stick with Nazi Germany, calling them "femistapo" makes more stupid sense. My personal favorite is calling them the "fempeitai" after the Japanese secret police.
As a child I dreamed of being a baseball.
I understand that destroying the largest part of Russia's pre-invasion standing army is an important strategic victory, but I feel that in instances of total war demoralizing your enemy is hugely important, and Russia is Moscow. It's the same reason the Allies bombed city centers, the Germans had to be convinced they…
Germania>>Present day Germany>>Kievan Rus>>Holy Roman Empire>>Present day Russia>>Tsarist Russia (suck it Bolsheviks)>>Soviets>>Nazis
The Hero City is an infinitely more interesting story than Stalingrad, but people love Stalingrad because they view it as a "turning point" in WW2. Stalingrad is also, i guess, more about intensive fighting than sheer ballsy survival at all costs. Never mind the fact that the Nazis shouldn't have even bothered with…
Hitler would have had Moscow except he diverted all his Panzers to force Kiev to capitulate. Maybe because he was OCD about his armies all moving in one uniform curtain or something.
That and he looks like a penis.
Doc is ok. Eddie always seems a bit bored, and Pierre stalks the players from childhood I'm pretty sure. Maybe I'm still a bit disappointed by Doc's calls on the GWG from the 'Hawks past two cups. Still better than what Canada gets.
The free space should be "DRIIIIIIIIIVE!"
You, my dear dear friend, are an insufferable sack of bloviating shit, so eager to claim the intellectual high ground, so willing to portray himself as Christ-like in his victimization. Yet, hey you're right, I'm not trying to debate you at all. I'm very comfortable hurling petty insults at you because debating you is…
Boy, that's an awful nice reunion show you got out there. Sure would be a shame if some'in were to….'appen to it.
Nonsense, my ability to recite any and all holy grail lines is what got me my first girlfriend. She had huge…..tracts of land.
I highly doubt Chicago wants much to do with a statue outside a theater in a city (loosely speaking, more of a collection of corn silos) 3 hours south of it. The only time Champaign is relevant to Chicago is when Chicago feels the need to send it's children down there for book lernin'
I do believe the statue appears to be privately funded, hence them asking for donations. As to why Champaign-Urbana would do this, well it's a small college town(s) that's had very very few people actually grow up there and become INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED (notable exception: HAL 9000). Not that they're even paying for…
Tampa's got some good food scene stuff, it's only an hour/hour and half away. Orlando is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
I went to Winnipag once in March, and I wished I had a tauntaun to crawl inside of. I don't know how you guys stay so good-natured and happy. Everyone up there was so damn friendly, whereas I would be either killing myself or killing others if I had to deal with that wind all the time.
*Turns up the voltage and zaps you* *Sighs while adjusting glasses* Now Superduperman, let's try that again. What is two plus two?