
No thanks to you, Mr Don't-Date-Robots!

Brilliant! Here's $500 million.

There's an idea, what if this time they went the ManSpider route?

*pushes up coke bottle glasses* Ahem, actually Illuvatar is the supreme deity there, I think you'll find your joke doesn't make any sense. What, are we to believe Manwe now has the power to create life? *wheezing laughter*

More like you can't get into your car because the city plowed 2 feet of snow on top of it. There also aren't nearly enough hobos who for some god-forsaken reason decide to live in Chicago in the winter time and have full zip up sleeping bags that look eerily similar to body bags.

I was incredibly disappointed almost immediately in the game because yet another portrayal of Chicago involves goddamn mountains next to the city. I can forgive a lot of artistic license with their Chicago because I would just be happy with having a video game actually portray Chicago, but if there's one thing I can't

Yeah, I can definitely see the strong connections to 2001, but I enjoyed the fact that for once movie music was trying to build a creeping dread rather than straight-up screeching and such. So in this case I was happy they used Ligeti despite any previous connotations. It enhanced my enjoyment of the scene greatly.

But it's not from 2001. It's from Ligeti. Lux Aeterna is a wonderfully unsettling piece that I wish more movies would use rather than the screeching sound-effects that often accompany supposed horror.

Not age-old. 70 years old. Sadly, you're right he wouldn't know about "inter-Asian" conflicts because I'm willing to bet the majority of Americans and Canadians don't. That's not a good thing.

Thank you. It's complete bullshit that the world hasn't been more vigilant at stopping the Japanese from re-writing their own history. Hell, the museum attached to the Yasukuni Shrine contains blatant pro-imperial Japan propaganda. It's not just a graveyard. The problem is that, while your average American will know

Not even the Confederate flag either, it's the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. You would expect that if South Carolina is trying to "respect our heritage" they'd at least have the decency to know the heritage. Hell there were a shitton of South Carolinians that fought in the Army of Tennessee (and indeed


Oh shit, JP is 21 years old?

Oh man, Aliens vs Predator 2 was one of my favorite games as an early middle school child. I was super excited when they updated it a few years back but instead of making it cool they made it shit. Terrible business strategy in my opinion.

Another thing I thought was stupid from the trailer, these luddite groups are deathly concerned that Depp is going to obliterate mankind with technology but then are entirely responsible (and helpful what with forcing him to die a SLOW death) for the creation of this SkyNet-type being. And the trailer never bothers to

Yeah, but the original AK-47 is a derivative/upgrade on the StG-44 which was developed by a nation largely considered to be part of the "west".

I dunno, the only thing I kinda disagree with in the movie is that they made it seem like all the German scientists brought over were huge Nazis, and while some of them were the majority were just scientists who happened to work for evil rather than being evil themselves. But I suppose it's tricky business separating

A small touch I very much enjoyed, and one that no one else probably noticed, was the use of "uff-da" by the insurance manager.

Generic-Brand. I was kinda hoping for a Surly. It's the best beer brand in Minnesnowta!