
Can't be, or they would have specified the film was taking place in Chiraq.

The reason the city looks so beat up? They outlawed Italian beef, hot dogs, polish sassages, and pizza back in 2042.

That's because they only showed the north side. People think it looks dystopian, but it's just a little damage from the cubs winning the world series.

This video is the first I've seen to raise the topic of those freakishly long fingernails that pornstars shove in themselves. It always looked so damn painful….uh…..so I've heard.

Without giving too much away…..yes. Absolutely.

I support everything Kit Harrington does, because my name is also Kit. And I'm a British spy.

*adjusts porkpie hat and tightens flannel scarf* Meh, the Icelandic family sagas were better.

In Chicago Sports: Thanks god for the Blackhawks, or else we'd have to again confront the inevitability that no matter how many sassages we eat, Ditka isn't coming back to save us all.

I'da called 'im a "chazzwozzer"

Yeah, I can totally see that. I think everyone has triggers for memory. But this kind of nostalgia I feel is like actively seeking out those triggers and making them the sole focus of memory rather than an ancillary thing. I dunno.

How come they didn't have an award for "lyk dis if u cry evrytim"?!

Beren totes coulda got that sweet, sweet Luthien 'tang for free, but he was a nice guy and felt the need for parental permission.

I've never seen them in other hats, but I do like that balaclava up there with the fuzzy poof-ball on top. Menacing in a warm, comfortable way.

No. That'd be silly. I record myself doing other things too.

So true. You really don't see a lot of female orcs, do you.

I'll thank you not to refer to Princeton that way

You just had to Trot-sky out another pun thread. They should put you in a penal colony.

The prison camp is practically named Mordor. I mean, come on. That's just cartoonish levels of evil

spicoli323's a Russian spy! GET HIM!

If you slow down the CCTV recording of my apartment you can pinpoint the moment my heart breaks right…..here.