
Actually, I would prefer a Star Destroyer. I always thought those things were cooler than the Death Star anyways.

Somehow Computer Engineering is the 2nd least valuable graduate degree you can get. The source it uses conflates IT with computer engineering, which are totally different fields. The source clearly means to say software engineering, or IT, or computer science. I am shocked, SHOCKED that this conservative values

Somehow Computer Engineering is the 2nd least valuable graduate degree you can get. The source it uses conflates IT with computer engineering, which are totally different fields. The source clearly means to say software engineering, or IT, or computer science. I am shocked, SHOCKED that this conservative values

Boy, I sure hope Transcribed DVD Commentary gets fired for that blunder.

Boy, I sure hope Transcribed DVD Commentary gets fired for that blunder.

If you don't respond to them, they won't have any power. I never understand why people decry "This guy is an awful troll!" while simultaneously creating page-long threads that dominate the discussion off of one troll's trolling attempt to get people to respond. So people, if you're sick of having comment threads about

Yeah, Onion Rings, They were all pretty much terrible people doing terrible things to other terrible people. I thought I was well written and probably pretty true to the times. Pirates were terrible people.

Well I guess that begs the question: What is a great movie? Is it great entertainment? Is it great art? I dislike the fact that you've presented an argument where anything made to entertain cannot also provoke emotion or thought.

Well, Herr Oberst, you certainly jumped down the Senator's throat for having the audacious opinion that your opinion is not correct. Ya see, that's the thing about opinions, people are allowed to think they're incorrect and to present their own opinion.

Oh my Herr Oberst, It seems that when it's you making logical fallacies it's just "an interpretation" but when it's someone who disagrees with you it's akin to nailing you upon a cross. One fallacious argument deserves another, after all.

Actually, I agree with Antho42. it seemed to me that the violence to do with slavery was presented in a more realistic fashion, blood did not geyser out or people didn't fly backwards after being hit like they did with the revenge violence. But then again, that could just be how I perceived it

I think that's because they were trying to do different things with their villains. Perhaps to show that you can be a Nazi army member but not be an evil genocidalist? Is that not what makes Nazism scary, that it could happen to normal people? I think to be a slaver you have to constantly be down and dirty with the

Am I late to the asking questions game?

No, but Ni squared is equal to NP is you're dealing with a doped semiconductor.

As a Northerner who has lived in the "south" (it was Florida so it only half-counts) I gotta say that there were still a surprisingly high number of people, to me at least being a true-blue northerner, who believe the civil war was primarily fought over some nebulous "states rights" (states rights to own slaves, yeah)

Anyone who would say something like that already has no qualms in dealing with human chattel.

Ahh but it's two different sentences he uses here.Yet I understand where you're coming from, it was my initial reaction too. That's why I said it was interesting, because the human brain is so adept at finding the connections between things. Taken independently of each other, neither one is overly offensive and

One reads into comments what one chooses. There have been many instances of slavery and there are, indeed, instances of monkeys being cajoled to dance for the amusement of humans. That you have linked this with something racial is interesting, no?

Of the Simmons books I have read, and there have been several, I would prefer The Terror be made into a movie. It's probably impossible, but I'd like to see it.

This…..escalated surprisingly fast.