Ludwig Van Morrison

I think we all can agree that that Wadi would love D&D.

I accede the point that the counting cards is cheating, alurin, but back to DS9 - whether Quark is placing himself in a position where his clients can get the better of him by using legal methods, or he simply does not understand the dynamics of his own game, he still seems like a pretty lousy casino owner.

In Vegas-style blackjack, unless they are counting cards, players do not have an edge against the house no matter how skillfully they play. If the Wadi were doing something similar in Dabo, then they would have no basis for calling Quark a cheater. Unless counting cards is considered less reprehensible than rigging a

Something that really bothers me about Move Along Home: Quark is basically a casino owner. Now, I don't know how dabo works - besides just spinning the wheel and shouting "dabo!" - but to be profitable even a perfect player must have a less than 50% chance of winning. Blackjack has something like a 48.5 percent chance

I just watched the whole series and there's a plot point I still don't get:

Yes, because there isn't just one mitochondrial eve, there's tons on them. Geneticists were simply using mathematical evidence to pinpoint the most recent one.

I don't know what Milton's personal beliefs were, but in Paradise Lost it seems that he doesn't know and doesn't care. Exhibits: Satan has difficulty telling whether the sun rises on the earth or the earth rises on the sun as he is falling past them. The archangel Raphael also admonishes Adam about inquiring about the

No, the Bajorans are the good Jews and the Ferengi are the bad Jews.

The episode should have just used lyrics from 60's songs:

Speaking of first glimpses, the first time we saw a Ferengi they had these energy whips that were halfway between awesome and ridiculous. If we're going to have to get more Ferengi, why not those at least?

Weird observation, but I love the strangely overt expository scene between Sisko and Bashir when they discuss the aphasic disease using a tricorder an an example. It's like a really cheesy Platonic dialogue where it is obvious that the conversation exists for the sole purpose of an outsider.

As far as specifics go, I think the Bajorans beleive whatever they need to beleive for the week's episode. "Kira" means "artist caste" or "Tribe of Dan?" Okay!

Something I've been chewing on:

And the Klingons are obviously Space Greeks, or at least dark-age Greeks. It would be really easy to imagine the Iliad taking place on Qo'noS.

I thought they should have brought the Space-French back during the Dominion War in ships that looked like 18th century man-of-wars.

"…this alternate Picard possesses a different personality and would be incapable of commanding a starship."

Yeah, but if it come's back it's going to be all Abrams-ey like the opening bar scene in the reboot. I want the three-titted cat lady from V!

Wow Jimmy, same observation at the same time. Weird.

It's also the prototype for the CIC in BSG.

I know what you mean by actor whiplash. First time I saw TNG I was thinking to myself, "Professor X can walk?"