Ludwig Van Morrison

"I don't always watch Star Trek, but when I do I prefer Deep Sp…"

Avery Brooks isn't militant. He's an erudite Samuel L. Jackson on acid.

You just haven't learned how to keep your eyes on the ever-shifting horizon like he has.

"It's real! Don't you understand? It is real. I created it. And it's real! It's REAL! Oh God!"

@joaquinstick I think you mean Star Trek: Deep Space 9 and a Half Weeks

Who we really need is Avery Brooks. I'm thinking a hyper-educated Samuel L. Jackson with with constant references to African mythology.

Hey, did anyone else notice the continuity between seasons with Chase being a hypnosis expert? That was like a season 1 or 2 callback.

No, Quiddich is comprehensible, just stupid.

I think Wesley's journey is more "2001ish" since it's just one person and not and entire race.

Well, you got a choice between being referred to by the nation Columbus thought he landed on, or an obscure Italian explorer. Either one is kind of a raw deal.

What if Ireland and Bulgaria had continued for 10 hours and Ireland had gone up 4000 - 230 or something? I could see preventing that being noble… kind of?

…and green hair

It's almost Palpatinesque…

Maybe he just wants to stay in the news. Generating seething hate is very effective for doing that…

The problem is that he isn't allowing the unaltered version to be released in Blu-ray. No matter how well done (cough) the additions are, I think it is a perfectly legitimate complaint that they feel anachronistic. By removing the dated elements such as the Ewoks, static eyes, he's removing part of what makes Star

I'm gonna go with 2,5,6,3,4,7,1. S2 doesn't have any eps that can match "Moonlight" or some of the Dominion War episodes, but the week to week quality was the best.

"Measure of a Man" and "Matter of Honor" in consecutive weeks. I remember watching those eps back to back and thinking to myself, "Where the fuck did this sudden surge of competency come from?"

For me, despite it's themes of exploration and myriad aliens races, Star Trek has always been a celebration of humanity. It's about how by being in "space," a place apart from the world we know allows us to view ourselves from a different perspective. It's the gist of episodes like "The Enemy Within," "Darmok," "The

Whatever Season 7's faults are, I'm thankful that they nailed the finale.

Except that 25 out of 100 of the US's largest corporations pay their CEO's more than they pay in taxes. If fumbling and being a prick gets you that I'm in!