
Is that "Genevieve" as in Gorder or "Genevieve" as in Bujold?

X: The Man With X-Ray Eyes
You haven't seen this movie unless you've seen it the way I saw it about a year ago, with the band Pere Ubu playing live accompaniment. They do this with old sci-fi movies from time to time and it's not to be missed if you get the chance.

I, for one, haven't almost forgotten it. It remains one of my favorite Bond flicks, sort of a tongue-in-cheek parody of Bond films starring the greatest Bond of all. I also never forget any movie starring the luscious Barbara Carrera.

I would go see this if….
…and ONLY if there is a scene with Robert Davi in a helicopter and he says to another guy "Just like fuckin' Musa Qala, eh, slick?!" and the other guy says "I was in madrasah, dickhead."

Wow…Captain Beefheart?
Never thought I'd hear Captain Beefheart on Entourage, although it was merely an instrumental snippet of "Electricity" from probably his most accessible album. Pretty cool, though. Kudos to the music supervisor.

Moony dreamer?
So in Purple Rose of Cairo, Mia Farrow is a devotee of the Unification Church? I thought she was just some chick who likes old movies. I gotta see this fucking thing.

Just because he's an asshole…
…doesn't mean that I don't agree with him most of the time. And I do. But he can be excessively prickish, like the time he showed what a petty narcissist he is when he made that "gay husband" retort to Arianna Huffington in response to a playful jab that she made. I'll always tune in,

I honestly didn't care for this one
It just has too much of that cliched Wayne Wang "Smoke" thing of the tight-knit neighborhood of eccentric characters that are like a big family, the gangster thug's actually a softy who loves his moms, urban gentrification is ruining the integrity of old neighborhoods, etc., etc.,

It seemed like Philbin was doing an impression of Dana Carvey doing his "I'm outta control!" Regis Philbin impression. Pretty funny.

They neglected to mention his greatest role, as Tack in The Stoned Age.

Miller, that was about how far I got, too! Maybe 150, actually. It took me about a month to slog through that far because I kept falling asleep after every couple of pages. When I wasn't nodding off I was asking myself, "I should care about these broadly drawn archetypes, why?"

Atlas Shrugged
Atlas Shrugged changed my life. It taught me that being a libertarian uber-capitalist is fucking boring as shit. Or at least reading about them is.

Does "Save Tonight" play over the end credits?

I distinctly remember going to see "On Golden Pond" with a big church group (yeah, I know, don't ask me…kind of a liberal pastor, I guess he thought it was uplifting or some shit, I dunno) when I was about 10 years old and getting pushed aside and nearly trod on by a bunch of

Either that or Cobitel Smuldiofor.

…that Cobie Smulders should change her name to Cubbie Smolders.

So Kirk Cameron is a Thermian from the Klaatu Nebula. No wonder we haven't seen much of him since production ceased on "The Historical Documents of the Seaver Family of Long Island, New York, Earth."

Stopped watching after the first episode
Glad to know it still doesn't look like I'm missing much. Thanks so much for the picture of Tara, just can't get enough of that "sassy Creole Wanda Sykes" shtick. In the picture it looks like she's saying "MMMMMMM-*hm*!" BTW, How many times did she say "I care about you too

Looking at that picture, though, I've got to ask: Was Gene Hackman ever young? I've never seen a photo of him where he looked actually *youthful*. Same with Robert Duvall and Angela Lansbury. It seems like they all spent 30+ years of their careers being middle aged.

I hate her. I hate her face, I hate her voice, I hate her little fucking tiny glasses she wears in every fucking role. Does a director ever say, "Could you take off the glasses please, Ms. Keaton? Your character doesn't wear glasses." and she goes "Fuck you! I'm Diane Keaton! I wear little tiny glasses!"