
Isn't it getting about time…
…for a Nerds of Summer book list, 2009 edition?

I enjoyed this book a lot
It's ponderous at times and could have stood a little more editing, but it's hard not to get caught up in the adventure. It's definitely worth a read if you're into the steampunk thing.

Wrap a hot towel around my head?

That DeNiro killed, not got DeNiro killed. You know what I mean.

In what……..waaaaaayyy………..does the author's use of the prison…………symboliiiiiiiize…..the protagonist's struggle, and how does this relate to our discussion of the uses of irony?

Nick ruled. Before his performance I was wondering, "Is he actually gonna play it straight and be himself tonight for once? Nah." I've come to the conclusion that he is incapable of not doing the Norman shtick. I thought it was great, though, that this guy is basically hijacking an entire network and doing what he

She's cute and all and has a good voice, but to me it sounds like she doesn't have her own style but is just semi-decently copying the retro girl singers that are popular now. She reminds me of David Sedaris doing his Billie Holiday impression. Impressive enough, but it's still just an affectation, not real.

Wow, what an endorsement.

That's one way of torturing a guy, but Sean looks like he might actually like it.

Rosa Stavro Blofeld
Rosa should be the villain next season, masterminding an elaborate revenge plot against both Jack and the FBI. She could even have a white cat on her lap.

My math is off. If you get kicked in the nuts twice, that is.

Uh, so you're saying that if you happen to have one and a half nuts and you get kicked in the nuts, then that is exactly as bad as the Oscars?

I also hate Danny Gokey. Personally, he's kind of irritating, and his voice has that sort of soft rasp that I find highly irritating. I'll admit he can sing, though. The thing that creeps me out the most about him is that he's a church music director, which means that the odds are at least 70/30 in favor of him

I was thinking of others, AncientChineseSecret, not myself.

Oh, and regarding Rorschach's voice, what the hell else is a dark, mentally disturbed vigilante superhero supposed to sound like?

Thanks for the spoilers, d-bag.

Bowzer? Isn't that the guy from Sha Na Na?

What's ironic is that Amy "I'm Not Isla Fisher" Adams is also the poor man's Isla "I'm Not Amy Adams" Fisher.

Phipps wins, with Nabin a close second.

Hell yeah!
I've got the Mr. Belvedere theme running in my head right now. Good ol' Leon Redbone.