
What the fuck??
A mention of Diane Keaton and nobody does the Patton Oswalt as Robert Evan "Diane Keaton's pussy soaked in apple juice, blah blah blah" bit after 160-something posts? For shame, A.V. Club readers. For shame.

Aw HELL naw!
Georgia? Oh shit, it doesn't take place in the south, does it? As a southerner, I've pretty much had my fill of fake-ass overblown southern accents in The Closer and now in True Blood. Of course, I don't watch either of those shows and there's no way I'm watching this one, but what is The Internet for

Now there should be a band called B and they should get a D+.

I didn't know there was a videogame about genocide in the Sudan.

They should
They should do double bills with Dr T & The Women, so it would be "Dr. T & The Women and The Women. " Or "The Women and Dr. T & The Women."

Tara sounds like she studied her accent by watching Deliverance with Wanda Sykes.

I've heard of Verbena but that's about it, so I wasn't familiar with this guy at all. My first thought upon seeing the picture was "Who is this young-Robbie-Robertson-lookin' motherfucker?" Because he is a young-Robbie-Robertson-lookin' motherfucker, at least based on that one photo. Sounds like something

Starring Charlie Chaplin as an adorable, hapless, coke-snorting fact-checker who falls in love with a beautiful, blind flower girl. Who snorts coke.

You are
You are in an unreadable novel. [Snorts line of coke] You are in an unwatchable movie. [Snorts another line of coke.]

Guess I was wrong. Anyway, as someone who has no qualms about eating those artificial bacon bits right out of the jar by the handful, these sound like something I'm interested in.

Did you guys ever see the one where one of the main characters wants to buy something really expensive and outlandish, but then it turns out that someone else wants to buy it, so they end up paying way more than the fucking thing's worth, but it was totally worth it because they got something that no one else can

That was
the worst piece of shit I've seen in a while.

Don't you mean Double-D list? Hubba hubba.

What I want to know is, is this
Is it EX-tract, as in "Affleck drank all the vanilla extract" or Ex-TRACT, as in "They had to extract yet another gerbil from Affleck's ass."?

Every single time I hear "Another One Bites the Dust" I think of Dr. Johnny Fever back-announcing it with "…and not a moment too soon. Not one of MY personal favorites."

"That was great music, huh?"
"Yeah, I just love blues."
"Actually, technically, what he was mostly playing would more accurately be classified in the ragtime idiom. Although, of course, not in the strictest sense of the classical ragtime piano music like that of Scott Joplin or Joseph Lamb. Authentic blues has a

Let's face it, The Waffler in "Mystery Men" was the high point of his career. It's all downhill from there.

Hell, I saw the poster in the theater when I saw Pineapple Express, and I didn't even notice that anybody was in it besides Kate Hudson. Good thing I didn't notice Dane Cook because I probably would've puked up my popcorn at the thought of that talentless goofball slobbering all over the delectable Kate H.

So is Seth Rogen going to play Dale Denton or the irresponsible cop from Superbad? Or both? OR ARE THEY BOTH THE SAME GUY?! I just blew my own mind.

Twinkies suck anyway. Zingers all the way. The ones with the vanilla icing on top. Dolly Madison, too, not that Hostess crap.