
Ned Beatty can.

Its true merit is Blu-Ray and that it doesn't have a 30% failure rate, and I say this as a non-PS3 owning 360 owner who hasn't had any problems with his 360 yet. And now this game, if that's your thing (it ain't mine, luckily, or I'd probably be jealous.)

What, no Taylor Negron as the disco dude/liquor store clerk in "The Stoned Age" (brilliantly credited as "Himself" in the credits)?
"Are you gonna party with the *foxes* tonight?"
"Try it with a little Annie Green Springs…the sexies *love* it."
"Put a little insanity on your

Flowers of Romance is pretty good too, but yeah, the first two.

That's bad writing. I couldn't even make it all the way through the excerpts; I don't know how anybody would make it through the entire book.

"So, Garth…would you like to have dinner some night?"

I have that exact album. Cool! I haven't listened to it in years, so I'll have to give it a spin. That's one of the wildest fuzzes I've ever heard. Not a Superfuzz, I don't think, but it definitely has a heavy octave effect. Pretty crazy.

Just watched that clip again… Holy shit, is that Will Oldham on bass and Sam Rockwell as Guy Fleegman as Security Chief "Roc" Ingersol on guitar?

You can tell it's hardcore because they don't have shirts. I miss the shag haircuts and argyle sweaters.

They continued making music after Matt Sharp left? I didn't notice.

Topher Grace would make a great Spidey if they wanted to portray Peter Parker as a strangely self-assured little douchebag.

That would rock, but only if Philip Seymour Hoffman gets to play Nick Fury mentoring the young superhero, taking him down a notch or two from his delusions of grandeur. "Yeah, I know, they make you feel cool. Hey, I met you. You are not cool."

I read about this earlier, but I didn't read how he died because I'd prefer to think that he giggled himself to death at Tim Conway's ad-libbed shenanigans.

Speaking of Pat Morita, anybody remember "Mr. T. and Tina" (no, not that Mr. T)? Pat Morita played a Japanese inventor and I think he was roommates or something with a young white woman. All I remember about it was Morita inventing some kind of space suit/jet pack thingy and floating around the room in it. Yes, it

Yeah, I do. Mostly because of the delectable Ming-Na.

I remember buying "Moanin' in the Moonlight" in the mid-80's when I was 15 or 16, and every hair on my arms and back of my neck standing on end when I heard that moan at the beginning of "Moanin' at Midnight." My friends either listened to the Smiths and the Cure or Ratt and Dokken (they were a motley crew) and it

Poster art

Wow…just….wow. I have that same feeling that I had after I first read "Catch 22" or Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States"—that everything I've ever been taught is a lie.

"That's ham. That's not bacon."
Haven't you ever heard of Canadian bacon? It looks like that's what the "bacon" is supposed to be, according to the packaging. Supposedly there is some difference between Canadian bacon and ham, but I've never been able to discern it except that Canadian bacon tends to be even drier

This guy is such a douche, if you cut him he'd bleed vinegar. Not a hipster douchebag, just a douche. Watch your back, Monks, I need some salad dressing.