
Velvet Underground, assholes.

Keith Strickland obviously has a picture of himself in his attic that ages while he doesn't.

Q: How many blues guitarists does it take to change a light bulb?

"Hey, pizza! It's great! Let's dig in!"
"Yeah, I want some!"

If you ever visit the island of Dr. Klahn, there's a wonderful Chinese restaurant named "Enormous Genitals."

Y'know, I always thought that Matt Damon was like a Streisand, but he's rockin' the shit in this one!

santos: "I thought Ben played Phoebe Cates' tits? If that's true, I'd love to see him in more roles like that."

Ha ha, made you IMDB!

Ben Affleck played Spicoli's little brother, the one that says "Dad says you're gonna be late again, you booger!" True fact.

I've been watching too many old movies lately
Nabin, I like your interpretation of Axl Rose as a downtrodden youngster who rises to power, then megalomania, and then faces his downfall. It reminds me of "Citizen Kane" or "A Face in the Crowd." I keep picturing Axl (in black & white, of course) screaming at Patricia

If Jews set aside a chair at a circumcision, is that chair elijahble?

Everyone interested in this kinda stuff
should read "You Can't Win" by Jack Black (no, not that Jack Black), a true hobo memoir and William S. Burroughs' favorite book.

Bullshit detector
Man, you've never actually listened to Deerhunter, have you, Earles? What'd you do, read a SPIN capsule article on current Atlanta bands?

Goddamn you, Nabin!
For writing "E.R. Scrubs" instead of "O.R. Scrubs," preventing some smartass from referencing Rushmore with that "Oh, are they?" joke.

Heath Ledger researching a role as a Santa Monica Boulevard street hustler.

Oh. Well, that's not funny. I figured it had something to do with that.

I like that new word "creply." I'm not sure what it means yet, but it seems to evoke an emotion that there is a niche for. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm feeling rather creply right now (that's not good).

Forget about Carrie Fisher's drug usage in the Star Wars Holiday Special. What about Mark Hamill's inexplicable eyeliner usage?

Can someone with Photoshop skillz put Hitchens' face over Mickey Rooney's? I think that'd be a hoot.

Didn't Mass Effect get like a B- or something?