
That's the response I was looking for.

Really? I would have been pleased if they had at least half-assed it. This is more like quarter-ass, if that.

"It Nearly Wasn't Christmas" featuring Charles Durning as Santa and Bruce Vilanch as a gigantic elf. Kind of a rip of "The Year Without a Santa Claus" as I remember.

"Garcon" means "boy."

Carrie Fisher was in The Blues Brothers? Thanks for the heads up!

Jenny's in the book.

I always hated Gump the movie because I loved the book. I still have my first edition copy that I bought when it came out, just bought on a whim, you know, like "Huh. Sounds interesting"[PURCHASE]. It was so funny and bitingly satirical, not to mention wacky and weird, and I dug the way it slyly stole from

Sorry, that post got all fucked up. Accidentally hit the submit button too early.

season, and all the flashy hoopla. You can be as cynical as you want to be, but you still enjoy it.

Part of me digs Hitchens because he's such a goddamn contrarian that it seems he's not happy unless he pisses off as many people as he possibly can. The other part just feels sorry for him because he seems so incapable of enjoying anything. I think he just enjoys being miserable. Regarding the Christmas season, I'm

I haven't seen every movie Alan Rickman's ever been in, but I've yet to see one where he wasn't perfectly cast. The man can do no wrong in my book, and he's the biggest reason I'm looking forward to this.

The running time of this is 126 minutes?! There should be a 100-minute rule for romantic comedies. Just imagining myself sitting through this thing for over two hours has made me break out in hives. Thankfully I don't have to. Based purely on the previews I give this movie an F-.

Alright, that one made me LOL.

In that picture
…Dane Cook looks like he's thinking to himself, "Try not to stare at her tits. Try not to stare at her tits. Try not to stare at her tits." Not that social propriety has ever been a concern of his.

"Can we make it, Luke?"
"I don't know, Bo!"

…for putting the phrases "Rachel McAdams" and "greased-up" in the same sentence and in such close proximity.

Shit, you're right. I knew they did EP's and singles, but I didn't realize they put out a full album. So much for being a know-it-all and so much for relying on allmusic.com for information. The only release of theirs I've personally run across was the aforementioned compilation CD, which I got out of a 99 cent bin

That's the same thought I had. I've never seen this, which is a crime. The screenplay is written by the same guy who wrote "Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid," and Warren Oates is in it, so that's good enough for me.

Poison 13 never really had an album, just the one compilation of all their output, "Wine Is Red, Poison Is Blue." Great stuff. And don't forget The Monkeywrench, with Tim teaming up with Mark Arm and Steve Turner of Mudhoney. They did some good stuff.

I remember an episode during the death throes of "The Carol Burnett Show" where they were doing a parody of "Close Encounters" and Tim Thomerson played a character called Richard Dryface who just went around making pained faces, clutching at his face and exclaiming "Oooohhhhhh my FACE is DRYYYYYYYY!"