
and by "Wire" I mean "Teh Wire."

@ Yerp-Agreed on Skinner.He's almost a forefather of Cedric Daniels on Wire. He keeps wanting the right thing to happen but understands the depths of the forces that will try to stop it(I guess the Mulder parallel on The Wire here would be McNulty.)

I'll miss it when it's gone
Not the show itself, which I stopped watching after episode two, but Rowan's write-ups. They're almost as good as the old Heroes reviews.

Obligatory link:

Amazing Race
is not amazing; but I am posting to add my tally to those commenting. This is a fun show that is very comment worthy. I guess it's just me, but I really like Jet and Cord, though I have no idea which one is which. I'm rooting for them, the Globetrotters and Mike and Mel. Margie and Luke are as good

I'm all for dismissing firsties-so here we go

I've never watched Beck or Lost
Now I'm kinda curious and kinda scared of both of them.

If only he were a flipper baby…

Has there ever been a good break-down for why Carvey basically disappeared for so long? He was so funny on SNL, then nothing.

I actually just jumped in last night. I know there are some things I'm missing, but I didn't feel left out either. It seems like a really good show but we're not talking about The Sopranos here.

I also vote for this to be added. I don't always like all their documentaries, but they're always worth discussing.

and "Nigga, is you taking notes of a criminal fucking conspiracy?!"

I nominate
Christian Bale and his hair from the Golden Globes to play Cope. He also seems about as crazy as Cope was.

Yeah, TVW seems to review all the pilots, so I don't see the problem with him reviewing here. I don't fully understand the Boston Legal hate. Yes, it was tiresome to hear long-winded liberal speeches defending ridiculous things, but I really enjoyed a lot of the characters. Maybe I'm just a sucker for heavily stylized

I've been missing the crap out of the Heroes reviews. I f this provides me with a fraction of that entertainment value I'm going to allow its existence.

Is it possible
for something to be both malignant and benign? If so, I vote for V as the champion of this genre. Horrific, painful, slight, useless and silly. And yet I may end up watching next week. I am sad.

Let us not forget the brilliance of "Varsity Blues"

Ugh, thanks Flaubert, I'll never read Frazen after that crap-"Gust after gust of discord" is enough to make me vomit in my mouth a little bit…and then I totally vomited all over the place with "the nasal contention of a leaf blower."

I think one of the strengths of the Gloria plot thread is that the viewer(or at least this one) gets as intoxicated by her as Tony does.

Life does not stop and start at your convenience you miserable piece of shit