
Spader is almost hypnotizing in his creepyness. I would definately enjoy watching him and Dwight spar some more.

Ron having no hangover after the tiny hat dance was impressive.

Season 1-awesome because it was so unexpected.

Indeed sir, Indeed. Say more.

This thread is outrageously long and has awesome suggestions. The one I haven't seen posted yet that might be fun is

@sarCCastro-That's exactly what I thought when I saw the pilot"wow, the gay guy doesn't seem gay. Is that why he's such a douche?"

Peter playing the "sleeping with Will" card seemed like a combination of desperation and exasperation . He seems to think he's changed and he feels he's done what he needs to do to stay with the family. Alicia is so stone cold that he lashes out in a personal way. Not saying he was right to do it but that's how Noth

Am I the only one who always reads CHORD with a "ch" sound instead of a hard "k"?

After I posted this morning, I came to the realization that I had invited a bunch of jokes about "the honey pot." I come back this evening and find that it turned into a fun discussion. So I say, kudos to you, AV Clubbers!

My favorite big money item
Has to be the enormous honey pot that was worth something like $125,000. I always love it when obscure and unexpected item make the big money.

Man, I loved that aspect of Oregon Trail. The thrill of decimating an entire species made up for the dysentery and broken wagon tongues.

People, people, let's focus on the most important question here:

If it means there's a possibility of getting decent chicken and waffles in New Mexico without having to spatter myself with boiling oil, I'm all for soul daddy. Though it won't actually make it here till 2037. Dammit.

If it's good enough for Lance Armstrong, it's good enough for me.

I also see his penis. Though it appears not to be quite tiger-sized.

This is terrible, but it also make me wish that Bobby Flay would go on a Sheenesque rampage.

It needed to be said.

Fuzzy Dunlop

Magical retards/autistic people/cripples
I gotta agree with Todd on the idiocy of this trope. Although it does make me wonder whether there's a hilariously politically incorrect comic or web series to be made that has a team of super retards fighting crime with their magicalness.

I understand missing The Shield and Terriers(though I haven't seen it yet.) But to pine over The Unit versus this show seems to be looking at the past through rose-colored glasses. Just like Chicago Code, the unit was a mostly well-acted, mostly well done often exciting show with some seriously stilted dialogue.