
I would never try to defend the Data as Sherlock Holmes episodes-but I love SH nearly as much as I love TNG, so I'm gonna say the holodeck is pure awesomeness.

I prefer my "Like a Virgin"
sung by Jim Broadbent.

65-and fuck foreign movies…okay, I'm kidding, just fuck French movies.


George fucking Orwell
Particularily 1984. Not great literature, but a perfect summation in my 15 year-old mind of how language and authority can be and are abused.

Man what's up with Cannes…
so many movies with non-English titles.

…and by '90's I mean the '00's…point still stands

That Finals, against the Lakers…
man was a pimp. Dude is my dimensions and carried a useless lottery team to the Finals and beat the single most dominant team of the '90's in game 1…

Most importantly, she was Melody on "Hey Dude." God, I watched that show way too often when I was 12.

Y'all are still watching this shit? To sum up the night of the human beings out there…WHY THE FUCK COULDN'T BUTLER HIT A SHOT? FUCK, the little guy loses as usual.

That was the second-best episode of "Reading Rainbow"-The episode at the hat shop where LeVar was transported to various locations depending on his hat was by far the best.

I think that may be one of my favorite things about TNG(and DS9.) They actually evolve into good shows, like a reverse "Jump the Shark."

Santos , Batmantov and Schlub tell the truth-as a teacher of little people(not Zwerg, Kinders) I proclaim Crocs to be awesome. Also, I love velcro, slip-ons and flip-flops.

Whistles may be blown too quickly these days, but the argument that "basketball was so much better back then because they were tough" doesn't hold water. It was poor basketball, plain and simple. The Celts, Pistons, and Lakers of the '80's were just as nasty AND they managed to score triple digits all the time.

Since this show look mediocre(I personally loved the first three seasons of MITM, but I don't need a clone of it) I'll open it this up to a Lipton-style Q&A:

God, and then that green/grey/blue shit up by the head…LORD that shit is awesome!

God, especially straight up with melted butter to dip the tail pieces into…

God, I fuckin' love lobster…what's this about health care?

is also my cat's birthday!

Don't care what the haters say…I'm always up for some Shatner. Especially if he goes full "I'm Denny Crane" mode.