
Dana Stevens gave a better review to "New Moon."

I fucking miss

Plus, Wyclef deserves some credit. He was heavily involved in many good causes in Haiti before the disaster there. Treacly shit sells and that's the entire point of this…


I may have to see this, just so I can inclementally lower the grade afterwards…and cause my fiance wants to see it.

Where the fuck is Firefl..
oh…March 4. Got it.

Never watched
the Smurfs. Give me a "David the Gnome" movie; I'll be happy to rip it apart.

Franklin Pierce
-America's most underrated horrible President

In truth, this commercial wasn't nearly as preachy as I expected. The hype and build up made it sound like they'd be showing pics of aborted Tebow fetuses.

That shoe probably will start to drop at some point but he sounds like he's in good shape to handle it-loving supportive parents, early intervention and club/activities he enjoys.

Cheers to thick-ass lenses that need thick rims. Sorry us massively near-sighted assholes don't match up with your aesthetics.

I admit my lack of sophistication by admitting this, but I love me some Barf Man.

I'm a little perturbed there isn't a reuben, by far the greatest sandwich known to creation.

Rhys Meyers in this movie=heifer to the slaughter?
