
It feels like Seth MacFarlane has so much power and he's surrounded by Yes Men, so nobody has the guts to tell him how strange he looks and that he shouldn't be the lead on a tv show.

Simmer down.

I feel like all you people who love this show are the crazy naked orgy boat people, and I'm Matt. The only one here who sees through this crap. This show is dumb, and everyone attacks me when I point that out, like I'm screaming Frazier. Something dumb from this show.

I can't believe now I have to subscribe to stupid pointless Showtime to watch this.

Eh, what's the difference anyway?

I liked it.

The family episodes are the worst ones every season. All that gratuitous bawling. Bleh. I don't care about Troyzan's brother, or Cirie's son, or whoever's wife. What does this add to the show?

43 Linus! Linuses.

It was on sale already Friday on Amazon, so I bought it for 42 bucks. Don't know if that was a special day one price, but check it out if it's still there.

That was Jimmy's big plan the last few weeks? It was all building up to that? Making Chuck a little crabby? That was anticlimactic.

What was up with Marge's hair? Was that a reference to something?

“And when the girl buried alive is asked/For what sin she was killed.” - Wow the Quran sure is an awesome book.

She sure does love attention - but only on her terms. I guess that's fair, but still, that's what being a celebrity is about.

Seriously. Do they even have an editor here?

Ok, I really love this show, almost as much as Breaking Bad, but things need to start happening. It's season 3 and we're still getting backstory. Jimmy needs to become Saul already! We don't need to drag out the growth of Mike and Gus's relationship another 5 episodes. Just do it and start blowing shit up! Feels like

Costco is everything wrong with the healthcare system? Something about taxes? How did this get 54 upvotes?

This wasn't planned. He was just hanging around Disneyland. That's how he dresses now.

Pepsi is 1000 times better than Heineken.

This might have been fun if the chart wasn't so small and difficult to read.

That thing with Cirie was embarrassing. Hey, let's pretend Survivor is about personal growth and not a competition for a million dollars! I hate when this show gets all fake-sentimental like that.