
Well yeah. Finally someone is doing it right. If you don't like what they're paying you, don't take the job. Don't whine about it on twitter.

I guess it didn't work.

Oh my, you're one of them. Good luck with that.

Oh my. You must be one of them. Good luck with all that.

People idolize Josh Whedon? Ok then.

This is the first time I've heard John Saxon referred to.


B+ my ass.

I still can't tell the difference between Noel and liam.

HAHAH — who is David S. Goyer?

Monorail, sure, whatever.

I no longer care about anything other than the Khaleesi, Jon Snow, and the Lannisters, and the white walker army. Let's focus on those battles, because it's all so incredible. Enough with Littlefinger and 3-eyed raven and Bran and the Stark ladies and yada yada. Save that for a spin-off.

Plus all the hot young babes throwing themselves at him now that he's a superstar! He's only human.

This is terrifying.

Sorry, I cannot respect that. I don't believe that's a thing. They just creep me out.

Is that an unpopular opinion? I thought Oliver was considered the best of the former Daily Show workers.

I don't like looking at these two guys, I don't enjoy them in moves or tv, and when I see their names on a project I immediately lose interest. I can't think of any other entertainment combo that bothers me as much as these guys.

This doesn't make any sort of sense.

I'm going to join the army to get free surgery! Who does that? That's not a thing. This latest Trump move feels way out of touch with reality.

Martin is like 70 years old, right? Does he think fire magic is real and he can come back from the dead?