
Why are they pretending Superman isn't part of the justice league? Like he's really dead? That's just stupid and annoying, and makes me think the movie will be like Star Wars with no Luke Skywalker.

I agree, this is so disappointing. I've already lost interest. Here's hoping HBO cancels it after they view the pilot.

He's 80 years old, that's enough. Bravo on a life well-lived.

This reviewer just complained about "unmotivated stage blocking" for fuck's sake.

How did that hat stay on Adebesi's head?

Says goodbye to the bad guy? What does that mean? Shouldn't it be "says goodbye to his little friend"?

You are a horrible parent.

Good ending for who? She was at a friend's house, so she clearly just wanted to get away from her family, and now the FBI is forcing her to return to them. Yay?

Enough already with this Edgar Wright guy. He's been all over the internet for the last week, everywhere. His publicists must be working on some sort of bonus pay structure where they get paid per article. Congrats, you won.

I don't know if everyone who works here just has shitty taste in music, or 2017 is just full of crappy music, but this is one sad "best of" list. There are a few gems in there, but bleh, can't we do better than this?

Is it going to be one of those things where we have to cross our eyes to see the 3D, like those magic eye books from the 90s? I don't know if I can sustain that for 2 hours.

Nice job missing the point.

You're right, Game of Thrones probably fits the bill. The Leftovers was garbage.

These shows are mostly fine, but we're missing a Breaking Bad or Mad Men or Sopranos type show that transcends all other tv.

What is a GJI? CGI? No, that doesn't make any sense. I give up.

What is the "Veep" part of this show? That hasn't been a thing in three years.

I'm trying to get into Horizon Zero Dawn, but so far it's boring as fuck. Some sort of native american rip-off story, and all you get is bows and arrows. And half the game is cut scenes. Maybe there are more metal dinosaurs coming to make it less boring. I don't understand all the hype.

I think that was a good series finale. Didn't leave me wanting anything more. Great show, thanks!

Interesting how the world has only heard of one of them.

This poor guy. How much must it suck to finally achieve this level of success in your 60s? Too old to enjoy it.